Additional Thoughts for the Day: November 16, 2020: I am disgusted.

From late spring to early summer, the majority leadership of the Michigan state legislature bitched about Governor Whitmer and her abuse of power. Finally, on Oct. 2, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled 4-3 that a state law allowing the governor to declare emergencies and keep them in place without legislative input — the 1945 Emergency Powers of the Governor Act — was unconstitutional. In the meantime the legislature has done nothing. The senate had one session scheduled between October 14 and November 3, and the have one session scheduled between now and December 1.

Not once since their victory on October 2 shutting down Governor Whitmer have they sent legislation to the Governor with a plan to address Covid-19 in the state. All we hear is that she is not cooperating with the legislature. I just want to remind them that they can create a plan without her and then send it to her for approval. If she vetoes it, than it is one her. But nothing has been sent to her. Nothing. Nada. Zero.

Because of the lack of a comprehensive plan, the numbers of cases, hospitalizations and deaths are now out of control and the governor was forced to act yesterday in order to save lives and reduce hospitalizations. And what do we hear from the majority leaders of the legislature? We hear them complaining about her abuse of power and she did not consult us before she acted. She is going to kill the economic recovery. She is a dictator.

To the majority leaders of the state legislature I say, “You had your chance and you did nothing. In the meantime, people are dying and being hospitalized. Instead of bitching about the governor and focusing on your re-election, you should have been focusing on the safety and well being of the citizens of Michigan and developed a plan that would work. You can complain about the governor’s abuse of power, or so you say, but at least she throws the ball. That is more than I can say about you. You are the person who has a chance to take the winning shot and you fumble the opportunity and don’t get the shot off. You are the person who complains about what others do, but in the meantime you do nothing. You are the person who has a headace prior to the seventh game of the conference finals and doesn’t dress for the game. You are the person who whenever something goes wrong, you blame others. You are a follower. It is only because of term limits that you have a leadership positon. You embarrass me.”

2 thoughts on “Additional Thoughts for the Day: November 16, 2020: I am disgusted.

  1. Scott Robbins

    I see no personal gain for her in taking this decisive action, to the contrary, she does this in the face of personal threats and her own personal safety. She is painstakingly doing her job, for the greater good of the citizens, (ALL the citizens), of Michigan. Whether her actions result in the outcomes intended, (the curb of the uncontrolled spread of this deadly virus), or not, I find her actions as brave and admirable. I am thankful for her leadership.

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