Another Thought for the Day: November 3, 2021: Benton Harbor Water Crisis

I want to share an letter I received recently from Jim Haveman, former Michigan DHHS Director, regarding the Benton Harbor water crisis. Here is a full copy of his letter.

Dear Friends, 
I have started several times to write an update on the water issues in BentonHarbor, Michigan. I have read all the articles over the past months on theattempts of the Governor’s office, the Legislature, MDHHS to respond to the criesof the citizens of Benton Harbor . They are saying that they need some attention and help….NOW.
Op-eds and political commentary have followed. The Republicans in the Michigan Senate have announced an investigation. I am saddened by the predicament of the Benton Harbor community but also saddened by the hypocrisy as people of influence work overtime to respond and prove that they cared all along, and had a hidden desire to help.  
Where is the parade of political people holding news conferences, like there was in Flint. Where is the breaking news from MSNBC,CNN and Fox reporters. Where are the documentaries? Where are the congressional investigations or special prosecutors from Attorney General Nessel’s office. I am dismayed by the reality that Benton Harbor has already become a political football. 
Director Nick Lyon and his medical director, Dr. Eden Wells  are being charged with several felonies as it relates to Flint. To the surprise of many, they are NOT charged because of lead in the water. They are being charged with up to 135 years in prison directly related to Legionella at McLaren Hospital in Flint. Yes, this is the same hospital that the CDC has affirmed in 2019 has had a Legionella problem since 2008!
Governor Snyder, Rich Baird, Director Lyon and Dr Wells and others acted when they became aware that something needed to be done regarding the Flint water issues. They had no reason to cover anything up, their goal was to correct the problem.
Has Attorney General Dana Nessel ordered her prosecutors to start reviewing the time line as to when the State of Michigan first got the cry for help from Benton Harbor? Was it two or three years ago? I wonder if Attorney General Nessel is using the same standard that AG Bill Schuette did in investigating Director Lyon and others almost 6 years ago. The 40 million in funds expended so far in the prosecution and defense of the defendants could have been invested into water infrastructure and economic development. 
You will not see any legal action in Benton Harbor by AG Dana Nessel. AG Bill Schutte got this ball rolling 6 years ago for political expediency. It was about capturing votes for an election for Governor in 2020. 
What is needed in Benton Harbor and other communities in Michigan is to fix the lead pipes and the infrastructure of our water systems. The rallying cry should be the same as Governor Whitmer’s 2020 campaign phrase, “Fix the Damn roads!” It is time for better minds to prevail and stop the charade of the AGs Bill Schuette and Dana Nessel and their prosecutors in the Flint court rooms. The political prosecution must end. Two AGs have had over 6 years to prove something that is beyond the scope of reason and logic.
I have said many times that people made decisions based on what they knew at the time. There was no cover up in Flint. I know these people, they are not capable of lying or misleading the citizens of the state. Sure, looking back some mistakes were made but they were not done with a malice purpose or intent. None of us has the benefit of a crystal ball that will predict the future. 
It takes integrity, grit and wisdom to realize what to do when something is wrong. We should be tired of prosecutors constantly trying to prove a false hypothesis and to trample on the rights of the defendants.
People in our communities in Michigan just want to have a job, have safe water and opportunities for their families, themselves and others. Time will tell if Governor Whitmer, state agencies and others failed to respond in a timely matter. 
We know a lot about social determinants of health care.We can do better and we must do better. This is not the time for political finger pointing. We need civility in our responses, not attacks as to who is at fault . Launching verbal bombs back and forth solves nothing. We need a proactive strategy to fix what we must in our state and be alert for the new Flints, Benton Harbors and Hamtramcks. 
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the energy our nation uses to justify the” big lie” was used to treat all people with equity, dignity, and respect. It is time civility and compassion are welcomed back to our politics and discourse. Let us get on with it!

Jim Haveman 

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