Thoughts for the Day, May 13, 2021: A special night for Miggy.
Last night was a special night at the old ballpark in Detroit as Miguel Cabrera passed Omar Vizquel to become the all-time Venezuelan-born player in history of Major League Baseball …
My Thoughts on Life, Leadership, Politics, News, and Sports and More
Last night was a special night at the old ballpark in Detroit as Miguel Cabrera passed Omar Vizquel to become the all-time Venezuelan-born player in history of Major League Baseball …
Finally, something that makes sense that will help small businesses address the worker shortage issue they are encountering. Unemployed Michiganders will need to prove they are searching for jobs to …
Sometimes our legal system makes no sense to me. This case baffles my mind. A judge ruled that the parents of an adult child (42 years of age) must reimburse …
Per CNN, there were at least nine mass shootings in the country over the weekend that combined left at least 15 people dead and 30 more wounded, according to CNN …
I am not very thrilled with the lack of transparency by Governor Whitmer. I agree with Nolan Finley who said today in his column, “I’ve been covering Michigan governors since …
On May 3, I lost a friend from my days of growing up in River Rouge. Tony Rinna passed away suddenly from a stroke less than a week after his …
I love this interchange between the NASA command center and the astronauts upon the first successful night landing. “We welcome you back to planet Earth, and thanks for flying SpaceX,” …
Congresswomen Debbie Dingell leads a Democratic group proposing $10 trillion legislative package for jobs, infrastructure, childcare, senior care and much more. This is over and above the $2 trillion package …
A journey of love that started 53 summers ago comes to an end today as I umpire the last baseball game of my career today with a DH at Adrian …
As the 2020 Census information is being released, we are finding that accurate counts matter especially when it comes to congressional districts. If New York had counted 89 more people, it …