Thoughts for the Day, April 26, 2021: A sister like no other
Today is my sister Nancy’s birthday. I only have one sister, but I cannot imagine having a sister better than her. Although we live nearly 1,000 miles apart, we stay …
My Thoughts on Life, Leadership, Politics, News, and Sports and More
Today is my sister Nancy’s birthday. I only have one sister, but I cannot imagine having a sister better than her. Although we live nearly 1,000 miles apart, we stay …
Here are the opening paragraphs from Bob Wojnowski’s article today in the Detroit News. “Not me, not ever. I wear the mask, I wash the hands, I stay 6 feet …
Congratulations to ABC, Shonda Rhimes, and the TV show “Station 19” for their show which aired today regarding the murder of George Floyd and all the emotions each member of …
It is nearly 24 hours since the verdict was reached. During that time, I am amazed at how many people are taking credit for the verdict. People who led protests …
When today’s verdict of guilty was announced, I was over come with emotion. It was not the emotion I expected. Unlike the people who I watched celebrating on TV, I …
The dysfunction in Lansing continues. Today Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson described a 39-bill package of election law changes introduced by Senate Republicans as “poisonous,” “un-American” and “an affront” …
Per the Detroit News, Michigan on Wednesday added 7,955 new COVID-19 cases and 35 deaths as the state has led the nation in new infections and hospitalizations for two weeks.The latest …
After a very frustrating round of golf due to my inability to putt, I came home tonight and cooked dinner and asked Leah to go for a ride because it …
When I returned home from umpiring tonight, Leah had “Jeoprady” on as she was watching TV. For the first 10 minutes I was only listening to the show, I was …
According to the NY Times Covid-19 tracker. of the 15 communities in the U.S. with the highest number of cases per 100,000 in population, 13 are from Michigan. Goveror Whitmer …