Thought for the Day, June 28, 2020: Governor Andrew Cuomo

I have said it before and I am saying it again. This guy knows how to lead. He simplifies things and gets right to the heart of the issue.

I read the following from Heather Cox Richardson’s blog today. This is from an interview of Governor Cuomo with Chris Cillizza of CNN, “A virus has a rate of increase and the number of deaths either goes up or goes down,” Cuomo said. “The number of people going to hospitals goes up or goes down. It’s not subject to debate because the hospital bed is either empty or it’s full, we either bury people or we don’t.”

“We tested both theories,” Cuomo told Cillizza. “We have the evidence. It’s numbers. It’s irrefutable. Why don’t we pause and recognize the undeniable reality of the situation?” “There are no Democratic facts and Republican facts,” he said. “There are just facts.”

I know that only time will tell what the death and economic impact has been on each state. It is too early to tell which governors have done a great job of balancing the two issues. Cuomo has done a great job of flattening the curve as New York state has gone from averaging over 10,000 cases per day in April to having around 300 cases per day in late June. So far he has gotten half of the equation correct. I also believe he will keep it that way. I continue to be impressed with him. I hope governors of both parties are reaching out to him for advice and counsel. Some sure could use it.