Thought for the Day, June 7, 2020: I am tired.

I am tired of violent protests. They distract from the mission.

I am tired of too many people assuming the majority of law enforcement officers are racist and violent because of the actions of a few “bad apples”. Reach out and get to know some law enforcement officers in your community prior to painting them all with the same broad brush.

I am tired of the health disparities which are a result of access to quality health care for our underserved and underprivileged. Think Covid-19 in the large urban areas.

I am tired of politicians who are more interested in maintaining their power than they are serving the people. I am even more tired of the people who continue to vote for them. Think Mitch McConnell.

I am tired of corrupt local politicians who use their positions of power for their own personal financial gain, especially those in Detroit, Wayne County, and Macomb County. Think Kwame, McNamara, Marracco and Ficano just to name a few.

I am tired and disgusted of the current UAW leadership with all of their corruption. The damage they did to their union is unforgiveable. I cannot forget the co-conpirators at FCA.

I am tired of people walking into stores without a mask, even though there were two 6 ft. large signs saying that a mask is required to enter the store.

I am tired of a justice system that has the highest incarceration rate of all major countries. There has got to be a better way.

I am tired of our Secretary of Education who thinks charter schools and private schools are the answer to all of our education problems.

I am tired of using standardized testing to measure progress and potential of students. Since when can you measure drive, commitment, desire, and willingness to take a risk on a test.

I am tired of using standardized testing as a way to determine a students ability to succeed. Especially when the test are racially and economically biased . Don’t tell me they are not.

I am tired of adults who prey on the young. Especially the adults in positions of trust. It seems like a never ending story.

I am tired of writing today.

1 thought on “Thought for the Day, June 7, 2020: I am tired.

  1. John Clark

    “I am tired of a justice system that has the highest incarceration rate of all major countries. There has got to be a better way.”

    There is .. Tom.
    A Good Education.
    Start helping inner-city Kids break-out of their downward spirals with quality educational training & knowledge..

    Quit wasting countless millions of inner-city school funding on contracted experts, endless research projects, bad teachers salaries & unrealistic pension plans!

    Self-esteem is the only solution that will allow Black Children to achieve success in business, Family Life & their personal lives ..
    An without a quality education that will not happen.

    It all dove-tails, Tom..
    Education strengthens the mind & allows well-educated individuals to make intelligent life decisions, as well as, eliminates their dependence upon the street for an existence!

    You educate today’s Black Youth & all of the above issues you are “tired of” will come to a favorable resolution.

    Including the Crooked Politicians.
    An educated Inner -City Population will be much-more-selective about who are chosen as their Representatives.. Local, State & Federal!

    Finally .. a topic you failed to mention:
    Black on Black killing is destroying the Black Communities..
    Fully 97% of Black Homicides are committed by Blacks .. Nearly 78% of all US Homicides are committed by Blacks.

    Black Lives Matter??
    Doesn’t seem to be the case / hold true / among ‘Young Male Blacks’ in our inner cities..

    Last year a total of 235 Blacks were killed by Police.. by comparison: The nation’s third-most populous city, Chicago, recorded 490 murders in 2019 .. 7 days ago 85 shot, 24 fatally; in 2018 US Nationally 7,407 Blacks (male & female) were murdered; of that amount 7,180 were killed by their own race…

    Education is the answer .. not Police expenditures & manpower reductions .. Not protests with rioting & looting.. nor calling everyone Practitioner’s of Systemic Racism!

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