Thoughts for the Day, April 1, 2021: Opening Day and April Fools Day

It is Opening Day today, much to my surprise. It is also April Fools Day. Today’s weather is mother nature’s way of playing an April Fool’s joke on us. Game time temperature was 34 degrees. Radrick Farms golf course was closed due weather.

I actually watched a few innings of the Tiger’s 3-2 victory. It was nice to see fans in the seats, even though they were thoroughly bundled up in winter clothing with their Tiger paraphernalia over the top. Watching opening day is a rare treat for me. During my professional career I was usually working. After I retired I was usually umpiring and getting updates from the fans between innings of my game. With Covid-19 my umpiring has been delayed this year, thus I was able to watch some of the game.

The game of “chicken” continues between Governor Whitmer and Enbridge over Line 5 in the Straights of Mackinaw. In spite of Governor Whitmer’s threatened shutdown of Line 5, Enbridge says it has completed the engineering and design phase of a 4-mile tunnel beneath the Straits of Mackinac that will house a new segment of the controversial Line 5 oil pipeline. The company will turn its efforts next to the hiring of a contractor to build the tunnel. This is going to be an interesting battle playing out over the next year. Enbridge has a contract signed by former governor Snyder to build the tunnel while keeping the existing line open until the tunnel is completed. The Canadian government does not want the line shut down, and many residents in the UP are very concerned about the availability and cost of propane to heat their homes this winter if Line 5 is shut down.

Eastern Michigan University and the Delta Tau Delta fraternity are in the news for not the best reason. U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell sent a letter Wednesday to U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona raising questions about a lawsuit that accuses Eastern Michigan University of covering up a series of alleged rapes involving more than 10 reported victims. Dingell, D-Dearborn, said in the letter she has “deep concern” about whether EMU is enforcing Title IX policies and raised a number of questions including whether the U.S. Department of Education is investigating claims made in the lawsuit. She also said during an interview that she is not “going to let go of this issue.” Dingell has previously admitted that she was a victim of abuse so you can be sure she will stay on top of this issue. This is not the first time EMU has been in the news for an issue similar to this . In 2007, despite believing that student Laura Dickinson had been raped and murdered in her dorm room, administrators at Eastern Michigan University took 10 weeks to tell her parents and university students and staff the truth. In failing to tell the young woman’s family, school safety experts say, the university acted immorally. In failing to tell Dickinson’s fellow students, campus law experts say, the university acted illegally. I hope EMU has learned from their previous mistakes.

In Washington state, 100 fully vaccinated people have tested positive for Covid-19. That shouldn’t be a surprise. Vaccines that are 95% or 97% effective still obviously won’t provide 100% protection. The good news: None of those infected got seriously ill. 

Stay safe. Wash your hands regularly. Social distance. Wear your mask properly. Schedule your vaccine.

Quote of the Day: “Here’s an idea I can get behind. The sharp decline in flu and colds during the pandemic has health experts wondering whether masks should persist even after the virus is gone. Yes. And no handshakes, too.” Nolan Finley

Orchid of the Day: Debbie Dingell. See above story.

Onion of the Day: Mother Nature for playing a very cold April Fool’s joke on us.