Thoughts for the Day, April 12, 2022: And the beat goes on. We are doomed.

As a follow-up to yesterday’s story about the basketball official who quit officiating following a fight at AAU girls basketball game, I received the above tweet from multiple readers.  The tweet was sent out yesterday.  Rex Chapman (former NBA player and all-American from Kentucky) tweeted, “She was punched in the face umpiring a game of 12-year old’s. We’re doomed…”

Why?  It is a question I ask myself every time I hear about mass killings. What would motivate a person to go to such great lengths to plan an attack as happened in a NYC subway at 8:30 this morning?  Why kill innocent people?  What did they do to deserve such a tragic end?  Were there mental health behaviors displayed by this individual that went unnoticed by those close to him?  How did he obtain a smoke cannister and gas mask without it being suspicious by those close to him or those he purchased it from?  How did he obtain a gun?  Why??????????.

How does one get appointed Lt. Governor of New York, and then less than one year later get indicted on multiple counts of bribery?  How did the people who were charged to vet the candidates, miss something so obvious?  Why would someone put years of their life on the line for such a small amount of money?  Per the NY Times, Lt. Gov. Brian A. Benjamin of New York resigned on Tuesday as the state’s second-in-command, hours after federal prosecutors unsealed an indictment accusing him of directing a brazen scheme to funnel illegal donations to his past political campaigns and cover up the criminal activity. The five-count indictment said that Mr. Benjamin conspired to direct $50,000 in state funds to a Harlem real estate developer’s charity while he was a state senator. In exchange, the developer orchestrated thousands of dollars in illegal campaign contributions to Mr. Benjamin’s unsuccessful 2021 campaign for New York City comptroller and to his Senate campaign, the indictment said. What is it with so many of our politicians that makes them do things like this? 

Pray for peace and tolerance. What are you doing to stop the violence?  Get vaccinated and get your booster.

Orchid of the Day: Kristi Moore, for sharing her story telling it like it is.

Onion of the Day: Former New York Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin.  See the above story.

Quote of the Day: Kristi Moore, who was umpiring a softball game involving 12 year olds, was punched after leaving the field. Some of you just need to stay away from sports, period. A Tweet by Chad@ChadBlue83

Question of the Day: Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?  It was a question I heard asked yesterday.

Video of the Day: Edwin and the “Boss” singing Edwin’s hit “War”