Thoughts for the Day, April 14, 2023: Frozen peas are the remedy.

During yesterday’s Tiger game, Tiger catcher Jake Rodgers encountered every catcher’s and every plate umpire’s worst nightmare, a foul tip directly to the crotch. When it comes to protecting “your equipment” this is one area where you should never skimp. Only the best for your family jewels. My equipment of choice was a ‘nutty buddy” which was tested to handle a 125-mph fastball. See my second Video of the Day of a reporter testing one out with a 90-mph fastball.

When this nightmare occurs, you go down in a heap, and everyone knows where you got hit.  Your reaction and the sound give it away. Even with the best of equipment, your eyes are watering, the blood has gone from your head, and you are trying your best to keep your breakfast, lunch, and dinner from ending up on the plate. 

The funny thing is how those around you react.  Everyone knows that within a few minutes you will be fine. They feel your pain, but they are trying hard not to laugh. In the case of a catcher getting hit, the plate umpire is outwardly showing sympathy and concern, but on the inside is thanking his lucky stars it was the catcher and not him.  Vice versa if it was the umpire who was hit. 

The manager and trainer come running out, but they know there is nothing they can do that time won’t heal. The trainer will put his arm around you and tell you that you are going to be OK, while you just want to tell him to do something that is physically impossible.  Both the trainer and manager are trying hard not to laugh.  Some of the old timers will bring up the Bill Cosby story and remind you that people are watching, and you must not grab your crotch because the game is being recorded for TV.  

If it is the catcher, his teammates are in the dugout scheming up ways to have a whole lot of fun at the catcher’s expense. If it is the plate umpire, his fellow umpires have turned and faced the outfield so they cannot be seen laughing at their partner’s expense.  The umpire next in line for doing the plate is a little bit concerned, but not for you. He doesn’t want to have to get behind the plate, especially if it is the second game of a DH and it is a two-man crew.

Within ten minutes, things are no longer spinning, your food is back where it belongs, you declare “I am good” and everyone returns to their positions thinking about how they are going mess with you following the game. 

When umpiring a state tournament game, I once had a catcher take one, and this gorgeous twenty something female trainer came running out to help.  I quickly said to her, “What do you think you are going to do to help this poor guy?”  It stopped her in her tracks, but it made the catcher laugh between groans.  I told her, “Just wait for five minutes, and he is going to be fine”.

This is what happened to Jake Rodgers yesterday.  See my Video of the Day and you will see what I am talking about.  In Johnny Kane’s interview with Jake Rogers, the first minute of the interview was Kane biding time to get to the meat of the interview which was have a little fun at Roger’s expense. Enjoy.

Video of the DayTigers LIVE 4.13.23: Jake Rogers – YouTube


As a follow-up to my blog from yesterday, Heather Cox Richardson included the following in her blog last night.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas neglected to disclose not only the “hospitality” he enjoyed at the hands of Republican megadonor Harlan Crow, but also a real estate deal. Justin Elliott, Joshua Kaplan, and Alex Mierjeski of ProPublica—which broke the initial story about Thomas’s involvement with Crow—revealed today that Crow paid Thomas more than $100,000 for a house in which his mother was living and for two vacant lots.

The reporters note that, by law, justices are required to disclose real estate sales of more than $1,000. Thomas did not report the sale, thus obscuring the flow of money—not just hospitality—to him from Crow. Further, Crow then made significant improvements to the home, where Thomas’s 94-year-old mother still lives, and bought and tore down the house next door.

Calls for at least an investigation of Thomas are growing louder

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Quote of the Day: “Frozen peas. It is going to be frozen peas for the next few days” Tiger Catcher Jake Rogers.

Orchid of the Day: Michigan legislature for passing some tougher gun laws to hold parents accountable for their guns when children live in the household.

Onion of the Day: Justice Clarence Thomas. See above.

Question of the Day: SCOTUS polices itself, is that enough?

Second Video of the Day: 

Nutty Buddy testing. How to keep your eggs from getting scrambled.

NuttyBuddy Athletic Cup tested by John Brenkus and Mark Littell (aka RamRod) on Sports Science – YouTube

4 thoughts on “Thoughts for the Day, April 14, 2023: Frozen peas are the remedy.

  1. You know it

    Had a second baseman get hit in the ”Johnny Rockets” on a throw yesterday. Later asked if had ever seen a video about “the nutty buddy.” He said, yeah I’ve seen that video. I replied “ that didn’t inspire you to get one?” Shoulder shrug was the reply.
    The Governor making people clap and cheer. It’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. People can’t agree to disagree these days. It’s unfortunate.

    • Thomasdbiggs Post author

      I always appreciate your comments. We may not agree on everything, we respect each other’s opinion. I really appreciate your points of view. By the way, did you see the umpire in the Tiger game last week, who had his indicator in his right hand and kept picking it up to look like it. I was doing a double take.

  2. Mike Snyder

    Jake and Johnny. Boys being Boys.

    • Thomasdbiggs Post author

      I was watching with Leah and Nolan when it happened. I then had to explain what a nutty buddy was.

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