Thoughts for the Day, April 24, 2023: It is always about the money.

It is always about the money.

No matter how important you think you are or how much money you make, if you cannot produce the financial returns you are getting paid to deliver, you are expendable. Ruppert Murdoch didn’t become a billionaire by ignoring these rules. Ruppert Murdoch is a businessman first and foremost, and he will do what is necessary to protect his bottom line. 

Today Tucker Carlson learned the rule the hard way.  No matter how good his ratings were, he became a liability and was the primary reason Fox had to settle a lawsuit for over $700 million. He will not be alone when it is all said and done. 


I was saddened to learn of the death of Len Goodman, 78, the long-time judge on Dancing with the Stars. He was the epitome of class, old school behavior, old school appearance, and old school dance.  He despised the modern interpretation of the classic dances, guys showing skin, poor posture, and most of all not taking dancing seriously.  He was a curmudgeon on a modern show.  I loved every minute of watching him as a judge, especially when his rating was completely different than one of the other judges.  Despite his being a curmudgeon, he had no problem being the butt of jokes or participating in silly dance skits.


Only in America could this happen, and it makes me sick to my stomach. It doesn’t matter that gun deaths are the number one cause of death for American children 18 and under.  I do not care what one’s views are on guns, this should not happen.

Per The Guardian today, Kyle Rittenhouse, the American who shot three people, two fatally, at an anti-racism protest as a teenager and injured another, was the celebrity guest of honor at a Republican party event in Idaho Falls, Idaho, this month. Fundraiser attendees could bid on an AR-15 style rifle signed by Rittenhouse, and buy tickets to Trigger Time: a Rittenhouse-hosted shooting event at a gun range. He was found not guilty of homicide, attempted homicide, and reckless endangerment in November 2021.

Quote of the Day:  “Elected officials and media personalities should really be denouncing political violence, not embracing it.  For a GOP [group] to not only host and organize a fundraiser with him, and a shooting range event, call that event trigger time, I think really is the very epitome of glorifying political violence.”  said Stephen Piggott, a researcher at Western States Center who focuses on white nationalist, paramilitary and anti-democracy groups.

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Quote of the Day: See above.

Orchid of the Day: Len Goodman, thanks for the memories.

Onion of the Day: Republican Party of Idaho Falls, See above story.

Question of the Day: Why would a political party showcase a person such as Kyle Rittenhouse? Is it because they embrace what he did?

Video of the Day:  Thank you Len Goodman

3 thoughts on “Thoughts for the Day, April 24, 2023: It is always about the money.

  1. Douglas S. Caldwell

    You are wrong with Rittenhouse. The protests should have been stopped. The BLM is a racist society. Rittenhouse ran, stopped and killed individuals who were attempting to kill him. If I was in that position, I would have done the same.

  2. Wanda

    I remember a phrase from a wise person. Don’t let the door hit you in butt on your way out.

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