Thoughts for the Day, August 29, 2024: A day late

How did we get here?

In the last week I have encountered two instances related to teachers’ pay that I find appalling.  In the first instance, I was at one of our local restaurants and I knew the young lady who was waiting on us was a public-school teacher in Alanson which is about 10 miles north of Petoskey.  I asked if she was getting her classroom ready for the school year. She told us she hadn’t been in her classroom yet, because she was working so much during the summer.  One thing led to another, and she told us her salary as a first-year teacher was a little over $30,000 per year.  I knew that she was waitressing the entire time she was going to school for her teacher’s degree, and she said she made much more as a waitress than she makes as a teacher.  In fact, she was making twice as much as a waitress. However, she loves teaching and is willing to make sacrifices so she can continue to do what she loves.  Note: Fast food workers in Petoskey are making over $20 per hour, which is the equivalent of over $40,000 per year.

In another instance, I was made aware of a teacher in a private charter school who has a master’s degree who wants to work in the public schools, however, she cannot get hired because she has too much experience and because she has a master’s degree.  She suspects the local school districts want to hire first year teachers just out of college because they are paid so little compared to an experienced teacher with a master’s degree.

Questions of the Day: How did we get in a situation where the people who we count on to educate our children are paid so little? How is it best for our students if school districts choose to hire the least expensive person rather than the person who is the best option for our students?

College Football

College football starts with a full slate this weekend.  Things have changed tremendously since the national championship game last January.  Nick Saban has retired.  Jim Harbaugh has moved to the NFL.  Michigan State has a new coach. A twelve-team playoff begins.  The PAC-12 no longer exists.  The Big Ten has 18 teams and goes from sea to shining sea.  The Big Twelve has sixteen teams.  The Ohio State is going to be known as Alabama North, since they acquired a boatload of former ‘Bama players after Saban retired.  Don’t be surprised if “Roll Tide” becomes a chant at OSU home games. 

Connor Stallion, the infamous sign stealer from Michigan, is now a defensive coordinator at Mumford High School in Detroit.  More importantly, Netflix is doing a documentary on his craft of sign stealing.  Previews indicate it is more thrilling than some of the best “cold war CIA’ movies of all time.

The NCAA is pouring over the all the data that has been collected in making the documentary.  They plan on using it to ban Harbaugh from ever coaching at Michigan again.  They plan on using it to punish Michigan to the max allowed under the laws of the NCAA. They will do this even though the NCAA finally allowed football teams to begin using technology this year that allows coaches to communicate directly with the quarterback and the defensive captain using microphones in the helmets.  This has been used in the NFL for over 20 years and it makes sign stealing an unnecessary criminal act.

Let another college football season begin. It will be a great distraction from the political drama that will be occurring between now and January 20, 2025. 

How about those Tigers?

Just when I announced they were dead and my bet was a lost cause, the Tigers have put together nice little run in the last two weeks winning six in a row, prior to their loss today.  They are now one game over .500 with 27 games remaining They are only 5 games behind the Twins for the final playoff position.  Meaningful games in September will be occurring for the first time in nearly a decade.

Personal Attacks

Since when did it become OK to make personal attacks about someone’s looks, voice, laugh, etc. in political ads and political speeches?  It seems like the political campaigns get uglier and uglier.  Prior to 2016, I do not recall personal attacks about looks, voice, laugh, etc. occurring in political campaigns. What does someone’s looks, voice, laugh, etc. have to do with their qualifications to hold public office.  Comments like these were probably always made behind closed doors but including them in public speeches and political ads were always off limits. See my Onion of the Day

Summer Vacation is Over

Summer vacation is over.  As a result, I plan on stepping up my game.  I hope to write my blog three times during the week.  Depending on my schedule it may be more, or it may be less.

I try my best to put my take on everything I write about while maintaining objectivity and professionalism.  I do not want to be too political or too sports oriented, but politics and sports are important to me.  I try to share things that interest me without boring you about my personal life.

If this continues to be fun, I will continue to do it. 

Feel free to share my blog with others.  To receive the blog in your email, please use the sign-up button which is located at the bottom of the blog below the Video of the Day or send an email to me at and I will start the process for you.

Quote of the Day:  Former president Bill Clinton contrasted former president #45’s self-centeredness with what he described as Harris’s inclusive vision for the country.

“The next time you hear him, don’t count the lies. Count the ‘I’s,’” he said, adding, “When Kamala Harris is president, every day will begin with ’you, you, you, you.”

Orchid of the Day: Sky’s the Limit Flowers in Petoskey for reconfiguring left over flowers from weddings and funerals and distributing them as planters to various charities in the community. Leah and I found out about this as we were walking by the store on Saturday as an employee was putting a bunch of small planters in a car and she handed one to Leah and told her to enjoy it. The card on the planter explained the program. 

Onion of the Day: Former president #45 for reposting a picture of VP Harris and Hillary Clinton with a caption which stated, “Funny how blowjobs impacted their career differently.” Can you imagine if George W. Bush ever posted something like that.  His mom Barbara, his wife Laura, and his daughters Jenna and Barbara would take him out to the woodshed and have him begging for mercy. Yet, #45 is still the standard bearer for the Republican/MAGA Extremist Party.

Question of the Day: See above under How did we get here?

Video of the Day: Golf is diabolical. The hardest part of a golf course is the 6 inches between your ears. If you do not believe me, watch this video.

Phil Mickelson – A great example of the chunking process, Golf’s Mental Game (

1 thought on “Thoughts for the Day, August 29, 2024: A day late

  1. Rick bossard Reply

    Hey Biggsie, happy to hear you’re amping up your game with more frequent posts! Free free to err on the side of “more political opinions”. boz

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