Thoughts for the Day, December 11, 2020: I cannot sit back and shut up.

The lawsuit by the Texas attorney general asking the U.S. supreme court to throw out the presidential election results in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Wisconsin has now taken on a life of its own that is frightening to me.

The lawsuit argues that the secretaries of state violated state law by illegally soliciting voter applications via mail as a result of Covid-19 without legislative approval. The suit furthermore states that only the presidential votes should be thrown out while the down votes for all other candidates are legitimate and should count. The suit has been supported by the president, over 100 U.S. congressman and a majority of states’ legislative branches. In all four of the statest named i the suit , the courts of each state have upheld the legality of the vote and have ruled against any such suits. In response to the suit, the four states’ attorney generals have considered the suit a threat to our democracy.

As an individual, I find it appalling that one state attorney general feels he has the right to tell another state how to hold their elections. I find it appalling that the suit says my vote for the president should not count and be turned over to the state legislature, but my vote for the senate, and house of representives and all other things I voted for do count. . Most of all I am appalled at the 100 U.S. congressman who cannot see this suit for what it is, an ubelievable threat to our democracy and a frivilous attempt to overturn a presidential election that they were not happy with the results. Clearly, this whole suit is about appealing to Trump, his backers and the financial resources they have available. It has been filed without regard to the potential long term threat to our democracy

If the supreme court were to support this lawsuit and overturn the election this would turn our democracy upside down and destroy it to its core. To think that my vote doesn’t count because someone in another state did not like the results should scare everyone to the core. Think about what it means to every election moving forward. Every election for any office could be threatened by anyone who doesn’t like the results.

I have faith that the supreme court will throw this suit out and the presidential election will be certified next week. However, the fact that so many people have signed on in support of this lawsuits scares me to my core. Never in my life I have felt the threat to our democracy that I have felt since November 3. I am appalled that 100 U.S congressman the majority of states’ legislative branches do not see this same threat. Unfortunatley, the threats to our democracy are going to continue.

“You cannot polish a turd.” Unknown origin, but very applicable today.