Thoughts for the Day, February 28, 2022: War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing. See my video of the day, it is worth your time.

Women watched over their babies after the pediatric ward of a children’s hospital in Kyiv was relocated to the hospital’s basement bomb shelter on Monday.

Since the start of the invasion of Ukraine, I have been anxious and agitated.  I was so pissed on Thursday I couldn’t write my blog.  I am afraid!  I am afraid for the people in Ukraine, Europe, Russia, and for the people all around the world.  I woke up this morning wondering if Putin had used nuclear weapons during the night.  Based on his actions of the last week, I have no doubt he can use them without provocation and without regard to the effects on the world.  I feel his ego, his narcissistic personality, and his lack of morality make it easy for him to “push the button”.  Not since the Cuban missile crisis has the world been this close to the brink of a nuclear war. Cooler heads prevailed in 1962. I pray they prevail again in 2022.

If there is one good thing about this crisis, it has brought much of the free world together in a manner that we have not seen since World War II.   It is also heartening to see the resolve of the Ukraine people. Their initial resistance has been an embarrassment for Putin and an inspiration for the world.  The pictures of burnt-out Russian tanks and civilians keeping the Russian troops at bay is helping to gather world momentum against Putin.  Hopefully, it is also providing confidence for Russian citizens to speak out and demonstrate against the impact Putin’s war is having within Russia.  The long lines at banks, the devaluing of the ruble, and the loss of life cannot be sitting well with the citizens of Russia.  Just maybe, the internal strife within Russia will grow to the point that it did in the late 80s when the fall of the U.S.S.R occurred.  In the meantime, NATO, and the rest of the free world must continue to tighten the sanctions, even if it means discomfort to our own countries.  A little discomfort is a lot better than a nuclear holocaust. 

Let us remember, that Putin has at his disposal all the resources he needs to takeover Ukraine. The question is at what price. Per the NY Times, Curtis M. Scaparrotti, a retired four-star Army general and supreme allied commander in Europe, said that Ukrainian soldiers “can’t match the Russian units, but they won’t fold, either.” The Ukrainians “have to survive and transition to an insurgency, a tough task to pull off,” he said in an email. “The Russians have to consolidate gains and control a big country with a hostile populace. Next few days will indicate how this may go. If it gets difficult, the Russians will get brutal.”

As Russia’s economy descends into chaos, investors are jumping out: today BP, Russia’s largest foreign investor, announced it is abandoning its investment in the Russian oil company Rosneft and pulling out of the country, at a loss of what is estimated to be about $25 billion.

I was really encouraged when I read today that Switzerland, a country that prides itself in neutrality, announced its own sanctions against Russia. As reported today by the NY Times. Switzerland, a favorite destination for Russian oligarchs and their money, announced on Monday that it would freeze Russian financial assets in the country, setting aside a deeply rooted tradition of neutrality to join the European Union and a growing number of nations seeking to penalize Russia for the invasion of Ukraine….Switzerland is departing from its usual policy of neutrality because of “the unprecedented military attack by Russia on a sovereign European state,” but expressed a willingness to help mediate in the conflict. It also joined European neighbors in closing its airspace to Russian aircraft, except for humanitarian or diplomatic purposes. Switzerland would evaluate whether to join in subsequent E.U. sanctions on a case-by-case basis.

I will be traveling the next two days so I will not be writing my blog.  I will be back on Thursday March 3.

Pray for peace and cool heads. What are you doing to stop the violence?  Get vaccinated and get your booster.

Orchid of the Day: As the COVID-19 pandemic chipped away at the bottom line of his northwest Grand Rapids restaurant business, co-owner Chris Andrus figured there were other costs. He feared it was exacting a rising toll on the mental health of his workers, who’ve been stressed out by layoffs, abuse from irate customers and the health risks of simply doing their job.  So, Andrus did something that appears to be rare among small restaurateurs in Michigan ─ he found a way to offer free mental health counseling for all employees. He is offering 12 monthly visits to full time employees and 6 monthly visits to part-time employees.

Onion of the Day:  The Ecorse school administrator who was indicted for first-degree criminal sexual conduct against a person younger than 13 years-old, according to the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office. Growing up in River Rouge we had a saying, “if it wasn’t for Ecorse, our politicians would look really bad.”

Quote of the Day: “Real leadership is demonstrated by being willing to reach across the partisan aisle and create solutions.  There is no doubt that Americans are divided over the past election; but improvements that lead to better run elections have the power to lessen the tensions of mistrust and unite us in a common goal of accessible and secure elections.” Mary Clark, president of the Michigan Association of Municipal Clerks, and Marc Kleiman, president of the Michigan Association of County Clerks, made the request in a two-page letter addressed to “state and legislative leaders.”

Video of the Day:

3 thoughts on “Thoughts for the Day, February 28, 2022: War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing. See my video of the day, it is worth your time.

  1. Kay

    I pray for the Ukrainian people many times a day. Their bravery and desire to fight for their country is enlightening and instructive. What is infuriating and adds to my list of daily prayers is the support of Putin as he invades Ukraine by some of our ELECTED officials and those who support them!
    I should also be afraid because this aggression and others in the past and around the world today shows very clearly what those who are in power will do to those who they deem expendable or “the other”. So, as a Christian I close with this, 2 Timothy 1:7 “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

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