Thoughts for the Day, February 7, 2024: RIP Toby. See my write-up for my Video of the Day.

Jennifer Crumbley being found guilty of involuntary manslaughter will save lives in America. How many, we will never know.  If it causes one parent to do a better job of securing weapons and ammunition in their homes, or if it causes one parent to take more seriously the signs of their child’s mental health issues, the verdict matters.  Hopefully, many more parents throughout the country will ensure the weapons and ammunition in their homes are properly secured. Hopefully, parents will learn the signs of a troubled child in their home and get the child help as soon as possible. Lives depend on it.


As reported by most media, three judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit reviewing the question of whether the former president is immune from criminal prosecution for his attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election released their decision.  The panel wrote: “We cannot accept former President Trump’s claim that a President has unbounded authority to commit crimes that would neutralize the most fundamental check on executive power—the recognition and implementation of election results. Nor can we sanction his apparent contention that the Executive has carte blanche to violate the rights of individual citizens to vote and to have their votes count….We cannot accept that the office of the Presidency places its former occupants above the law for all time thereafter…For the purposes of this criminal case, former President Trump has become citizen Trump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant. But any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as President no longer protects him against this prosecution….” The former president’s lawyers say they will appeal the decision to the Supreme Court.

I am hopeful but not optimistic SCOTUS will choose not to review the case and let the appeals court decision stand.


Disgust. That is my only thought on the latest fiasco related to how the MAGA Republican extremists appear to have killed the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, after a bi-partisan group of senators spent four months writing the border security piece of the bill that the House MAGA Republicans themselves demanded.  I guess it is OK to not support Ukraine. I guess it is OK to complain about border security but not do anything about it.  I guess it is OK to not support aid to Palestine. I guess it is OK to give Putin hope that our country’s support for Ukraine will wane. Here is what the MAGA Republicans are turning their backs to.

The measure appropriated $60.1 billion in military aid to Ukraine, $14.1 billion in security aid for Israel, and $10 billion in humanitarian aid for Palestinians, Ukrainians, and other civilians in crises. It also invested about $20 billion in securing the southern border of the U.S., money to be used in hiring new officials, expanding detention facilities, and increasing the screening abilities of border agents to detect illicit fentanyl and other drugs.  Other provisions would trigger border closures if the volume of migrants climbs past a certain number and make it more difficult to qualify for asylum. At the same time, the measure offered more pathways to citizenship and more work visas. 

Responsible American citizens should not forget this day come November. 2024


Quote of the Day: “On Trump’s orders, Republicans in Congress are rejecting the border security deal. They’re also abandoning America’s allies in Ukraine. Trump and the [Republicans] are losing the war on purpose in an inexcusable betrayal that will strengthen America’s enemies for years to come.” Former Congresswomen, Liz Cheney (R-WY) summed up the day’s crisis over the national security measure.

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Quote of the Day: See above by Liz Cheney

Orchid of the Day: Michigan men’s basketball team upset #11 Wisconsin at Crisler Arena with a 72-68 win.  Unlike eight previous games, Michigan was able to make their half time lead hold up and hang on to the victory.

Onion of the Day:  MAGA Republican extremists.  They once again prove they are good at saying no but cannot govern in any way shape or form.

Question of the Day: Will the guilty verdict of Jennifer Crumbly change the way parents and grandparents secure weapons and ammunition in their homes?

Video of the Day: In Memory of Toby Keith.

Courtesy of The Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) is one of the most misunderstood songs of the 21st Century.  It is a song that has become a political lightning rod because people forget why it was written in the first place. He wrote the song so he could perform in front of our troops after 9/11. He dedicated it to his dad, who lost an eye while serving in the military. Listen to the first verse.

It was only after it was so well received by the troops that he decided to turn it into a record. There is nothing liberal or conservative about supporting our troops.  There is nothing Democrat or Republican about supporting our troops. There is nothing redneck about supporting our troops. There is nothing rich or poor about supporting our troops. There is nothing white, black, Hispanic, Native American, LGBTQ, Christian, Muslim, Christian, Jew or any other characterization about supporting our troops. There is nothing hawkish or dovish about supporting out troops. It is about supporting those who are willing to put their lives on the line for their country and protect the freedoms we have accumulated in nearly 250 years as a country.  I have always loved this song.

Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American) (Official Music Video) (

1 thought on “Thoughts for the Day, February 7, 2024: RIP Toby. See my write-up for my Video of the Day.

  1. Boz

    I also loved Toby Keith’s music. Good stuff!!
    I also am sick about the disposition of the Border Bill. So now we wait to see if SCOTUS has any cojones. How the hell did we get in this mess?

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