Thoughts for the Day, January 11, 2022: Georgia on my mind.

Omnicron is on a roll. Per Bridge Magazine, Michigan’s hospitals are treating a record 5,009 confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients, as omicron continues to rip through the state.  Michigan reported another 44,524 cases, or 14,241 for each of the last three days, raising the seven-day average to 16,080 daily cases, the highest ever. On the bright side, the state reported 56 COVID-19 deaths, one of the fewest reported in months and a possible sign that deaths may be slightly declining and that Omnicron is less serious for those that are vaccinated.

The Detroit Red Wings are continuing their rebuild on the ice and in the front office. According to the Detroit News, nearly two years after he took command of the Detroit Red Wings, Steve Yzerman has strengthened his inner circle with the hiring of former teammate Nicklas Lidstrom as vice president of hockey operations. Lidstrom ranks as one of the all-time greats in franchise and NHL history.  Slowly but surely, Yzerman is reestablishing Detroit as “Hockey Town”.  

I was really disappointed in the verbal exchange that occurred between Dr. Fauci and Senator Rand Paul, a former Ophthalmologist.    I watched the exchange on ABC News.  The New York times reporting included the following. A Senate hearing on the federal government’s Covid response briefly turned into a fierce back-and-forth between Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and Dr. Anthony Fauci on Tuesday, the latest in a series of heated exchanges between the two men stretching back to the early days of the pandemic. Senator Paul accused Dr. Fauci of plotting with colleagues to undermine scientists with opposing views on the virus, something Dr. Fauci denied doing…….Later in the hearing, Dr. Fauci said Mr. Paul was partly responsible for a surge in threats against Dr. Fauci and his family. He said personal attacks from Republicans had put his safety and that of his family at risk. He cited reports that an armed man in Iowa had been arrested in connection with plans to kill him and other officials in Washington. Dr. Fauci also displayed a fund-raising webpage for Mr. Paul that included a “Fire Dr. Fauci” graphic. “You are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain,” Dr. Fauci said to Mr. Paul. I have said many times, I want leaders who respect disagreement, but are not disagreeable.  Today both Fauci and Paul were disrespectful to each other, and they were very disagreeable. In a hearing as important as this, the type of behavior they showed was unnecessary and unprofessional.

I love stories like this that will become life changing for many years to come. Per the NY Times, a man received a new heart from a genetically modified pig, a medical first that could change the outlook for patients needing organ transplants. Scientists have worked feverishly to develop pigs whose organs would not be rejected by the human body, research accelerated in the past decade by new gene editing and cloning technologies. This heart transplant comes just months after surgeons in New York successfully attached the kidney of a genetically engineered pig to a brain-dead person. Scientists have worked feverishly to develop pigs whose organs would not be rejected by the human body, research accelerated in the past decade by new gene editing and cloning technologies. This heart transplant comes just months after surgeons in New York successfully attached the kidney of a genetically engineered pig to a brain-dead person.

What are you doing today to stop violence?  What are you doing today to expand mental health services for those in need?  What are you doing today to make sure your guns are not are accessible to minors in your household?

Stay Safe. Social Distance. Wear your mask when indoors in public places.  Schedule your vaccine and booster.

Orchid of the Day: Georgia QB Stenson Bennett IV for going from walk-on QB to junior college QB to walk-on QB  to the starting QB on Georgia’s national championship team.

Onion of the Day: Dr. Fauci and Senator Rand Paul-see above story.

Quote of the Day:  “I’m disappointed but not surprised by the former president’s reaction. However, the facts remain the same. The former president lost the 2020 election. Our focus should be on what lies ahead, not what’s in the past. Elections are about growing support for your party, not further dividing it. Attacking Republicans certainly isn’t going to result in a winning formula,” Senator Mike Rounds, a South Dakota Republican.

Song of the Day: Georgia on My Mind by Ray Charles, in honor of Georgia’s national championship. 

2 thoughts on “Thoughts for the Day, January 11, 2022: Georgia on my mind.

  1. Rick Bossard

    Hi Biggsie, I’m disappointed that you chose to share Senator Paul’s well deserved onion.

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