Thoughts for the Day, January 11, 2024: The living definition of a narcissist.

Once again, the former president has proven that he only cares about himself, his image, his ego, and his election to the presidency.  He does not care about his fellow Americans.  If he did, he wouldn’t make a statement like he made earlier this week on the Lou Dobbs show. It is my Quote of the Day:

“We have an economy that’s so fragile, and the only reason it’s running now is it’s running off the fumes of what we did. It’s just running off the fumes. And when there’s a crash — I hope it’s going to be during this next 12 months because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover. The one president I just don’t want to be, Herbert Hoover.”

Knowing the former president screwed up with this statement, his friends at Fox News gave him an opportunity to clarify his comments.  Here is what he said in an interview with Bret Baier

You’re not saying you’re hoping for a crash, just to be clear?” town hall moderator Bret Baier asked.

“No. I think this. I think the economy is horrible, except the stock market is going up, and I think the stock market is going up because I’m leading Biden in all of the polls. I think there will be a crash if I don’t win. And I say that, and I do not want to be Herbert Hoover.”

The former president’s only care right now is to get re-elected so he can try to avoid the 93 criminal charges he is facing. What is scary to me is the following:

  1. He really does want the market to crash prior to the presidential election because he believes it will help his chance for re-election.
  2. His re-election is more important to him than the retirement savings of everyday Americans and those who depend on the stock market.
  3. He really believes that the market is going up because he is leading in the polls.
  4. He really believes the market will crash if he is not elected.
  5. He really believes the economy is doing well because of the fumes of his presidency.
  6. He really believes that his leading in the polls has greater influence on the market than a growing GDP, record low unemployment, significantly decreased inflation, resolution of supply chain issues, and a positive outlook on the economy by a large majority of the economist.
  7. He really believes that he and only those who believe in him will be able to save the United States of America.

By his own actions and words, the former president is the living definition of a narcissist which is defined as follows.

“A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: an extremely self-centered person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance.”

Regardless of the outcome of his 93 criminal charges, I will never vote for someone who would like to see fellow Americans’ retirement accounts take a beating just so he can get some votes.  He continues to prove to me that he is unfit for office for reasons that are above and beyond the 93 criminal charges.


I hope Michigan fans enjoy the afterglow of the football team’s national championship, because the outlook for Michigan’s men’s basketball team just went from bad to worse. Per multiple reports:

Michigan will be without its leading scorer on the road for its next six away games. Dug McDaniel will be suspended for the Wolverines’ next six road games, both he and the program announced Wednesday night. McDaniel, however, will still be available for home games.

It’s unclear specifically why McDaniel was suspended, or why he was only suspended for road games, but head coach Juwan Howard hinted that it had to do with “academic goals.”

Tonight, for the second game in a row, the team had a 12-point half-time lead only to see it evaporate quickly in the second half as they lost on the road to Maryland 64-57.

See my Question of the Day.

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Quote of the Day: See above by the former president.

Orchid of the Day:  The weather today in Gulf Shores.  Leah and I had a beautiful 12-mile bike ride at the Gulf Shores State Park.  Unfortunately, we were not able to see Lefty, the alligator.

Onion of the Day:  The former president for his comments on the Lou Dobbs show.

Question of the Day:  Is it time for Michigan Athletic Director Warde Manuel to renegotiate basketball coaches Juwan Howard’s contract like what Manuel did with Harbaugh after Harbaugh went 2-4 and opted to not play OSU in the 2020 season.?

Image of the Day: From my back patio today as I was bringing in the bikes following our bike ride today.

1 thought on “Thoughts for the Day, January 11, 2024: The living definition of a narcissist.

  1. Mike Snyder

    Nice photo. Big snow ❄️ coming to Petoskey tonight. Mike

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