Thoughts for the Day, January 14, 2022: Pine Knob is back, even though it never left in our hearts and minds.

Pine Knob Music Theatre's 2022 logo.

Pine Knob is back officially, even though it never left in the hearts and souls of the locals. I don’t recall ever referring to it as any name but Pine Knob over the last twenty years.

The saga of Novak Djokovic continues. Per multiple sources, the Serbian tennis star, had his visa revoked for a second time by the Australian authorities on Friday and was set to be detained again on Saturday, the latest dizzying volley in a drawn-out drama over his refusal to be vaccinated for Covid-19. Australia’s immigration minister, Alex Hawke, said in a statement that he was canceling Djokovic’s visa on the grounds of “health and good order,” adding that it was in the public interest to do so. Djokovic’s lawyers said they would file an appeal immediately, with the Australian Open starting on Monday.  As Leah said to me, why doesn’t he just get his vaccination?

This story appeared in Detroit News Ingrid Jacques’ column today.  It really turns my stomach. Los Angeles Times columnist Michael Hiltzik recently wrote a piece titled, “Mocking anti-vaxxers’ deaths is ghoulish, yes — but necessary.”Hiltzik’s column centered on Kelly Ernby, a rising California Republican, who opposed vaccine mandates and then died of COVID. He opines, “… mockery is not necessarily the wrong reaction to those who publicly mocked anti-COVID measures and encouraged others to follow suit, before they perished of the disease the dangers of which they belittled.”  Jacques finished her column with this comment. “Our reactions to those who have COVID shouldn’t be based on whether an individual is a Republican or Democrat. It’s a sad day when mocking the end of a human life is deemed acceptable because of our ideological divides.”  I agree with Jacques. I want people to get vaccinated for the good of the community.  In my opinion it is the right thing to do. Regardless, it is wrong to wish ill on those who are not vaccinated. I hope that Los Angeles Times columnist Hiltzik represents a very small portion of our population.  If not, our society is in trouble.

Yesterday I reported on the Wednesday’s hearing with Judge Kelly regarding the prosecution of Nick Lyon, former DHHS director, for the Flint water crisis. Here are excerpts from former DHHS director, Jim Haveman’s report on the hearing.

AG Assistant Prosecutor Chris Kessel brought up claims made by others about Director Lyon and MDHHS that were directly refuted by eyewitnesses and scientific experts.  Lyon’s attorney Mr. Bursch responded,” that the slanderous comments about Director Lyon made him angry and that he could refute all of the claims based upon the testimony presented at the preliminary exam.”   He then continued to point out the many legal cases in Michigan that should justify dismissal and thanked Judge Kelly for her 

attention in the matter.

There were again very troubling aspects to the prosecution.  Most troubling was that AG Assistant Prosecutor Chris Kessel’s assertions about Director Lyon demonstrated a complete lack of knowledge of the testimony and evidence presented over the last several years of this case.  It appears that Director Lyon will now have to start over defending himself against the same personal accusations that he proved false in court years ago.  It makes me wonder if AG Assistant Prosecutor Chris Kessel just doesn’t know the facts or is he simply choosing to ignore them simply to carry on the case in Dana Nessel’s name.  Neither is a good answer. 

Remember AG Dana Nessel and Chris Kessel were former partners in the legal firm Nessel and 

Kessel.  Kessel came to work for his former Law Partner in March,2021.  

The charges against Director Lyon are not legally driven, it is all politics.  Director Lyon and his family have had to live with this cruel prosecution for 7 years with no end in sight- politically. The AG’s case continues to be clumsy and the recent admonition by Judge Kelly for not using a taint team was significant. 

Also disturbing to many of us is Governor Whitmer’s Legal Counsel Mark Totten’s persistent direct involvement in the contracts with Director Lyon’s defense and the other defense team contracts. I believe it is wrong.  In this overreach Totten is attempting to limit the extent/depth/scope of the defendants’ legal teams. I wonder if Governor Whitmer has caps and limits on her personal contracts per her legal issues?

I will continue to speak out about this political prosecution of Nick Lyon and others.  It is wrong and I will not be silent.


What are you doing today to stop violence?  What are you doing today to expand mental health services for those in need?  What are you doing today to make sure your guns are not are accessible to minors in your household?

Stay Safe. Social Distance. Wear your mask when indoors in public places.  Schedule your vaccine and booster.

Orchid of the Day: Trinity Health and United Wholesale Mortgage for bringing back rightful name to Pine Knob.

Onion of the Day: Ferris State University professor Barry Mehler for going “Howard Beale” in a profanity laced You Tube video.

Quote of the Day: For us, there was an undeniable equity that always existed in the name Pine Knob Music Theater. Nobody forgot it. And in today’s world, that type of legacy means something.” Howard Handler, 313 Presents’ president, said in an interview earlier this week. 

Song of the Day:  “The Famous Final Scene” by Bob Seger, performed at Pine Knob.