Thoughts for the Day, January 16, 2024: Who’s got it better than us?

My Question of the Day and Image of the Day:

Who’s got it better than us?

Thank you to my good friend Dan Jeffrey for sending me this picture.


For good reason, I have never put too much credibility into Iowa’s archaic form of primary presidential elections as barometer of the country’s overall view of the potential presidential party nomination.  However, there are certain takeaways from yesterday’s Republican primary that jump out at me based on a survey of Iowa Republicans completed by Edison Research.  The results show the power of persuasion that the former president and his media backers have over a large portion of the those who voted in the Iowa Republican primary.  Here are some of those results of the survey. My comments are in Bold.

* 65% said they did not think Biden legitimately won the presidency in 2020.

Sixty-three court cases say otherwise.

* 63% said Trump would still be fit to be president if he were convicted of a crime.

I guess trying to overrun the Capitol and being careless with classified documents and showing them to his buddies is OK.

* 59% said they favor a federal law that would ban abortions nationwide.

Democrats should be smiling all the way to the polls on this one since 70% of the country’s voters do not support a ban.

* 37% percent of caucus-goers said the economy was the issue that mattered most in deciding who to vote for on Monday, compared to 34% who cited immigration, while the rest cited foreign policy or abortion.

This is good news for the Democrats, since the macro economy is humming with high GDP growth, record low unemployment, inflation at 3%, supply chain issues resolved and most economist optimistic on the future of the economy. 

On immigration Biden has asked Speaker Mike Johnson to come forward with an immigration proposal but Johnson said he will not come forward with a proposal until a Republican is in the White House. This supports what I have said many times in this blog that no party wants to resolve immigration, they just want to complain about what the party in charge is not doing about it.

On foreign policy, the issue is funding Ukraine and Israel. The Democrats should welcome the Freedom Caucus’ continued push on not funding Ukraine and Israel. Allowing Putin to take over a democratic country is not something the majority of Americans want to see.

If I was a Democrat strategist, I would take this Edison poll and use it to develop a strategy to retain the presidency.  Add saving our democracy and the gameplan for the Democrats is there for the taking.


All it took was watching the end of the Tampa Bay/Philadelphia playoff game yesterday and I could see this coming as Philadelphia’s all-pro center, Jason Kelce sat on the bench with a faraway look on his face as time was running out on Phily’s season. I know it is hard to believe, but Jason, who is not dating Taylor Swift, is the better football player in the Kelce family and today he announced his retirement as reported by ESPN.

Kelce grew emotional as the final seconds ticked off the clock. When he reached the locker room, he told teammates that he had played his last game, sources told ESPN’s Adam Schefter.

Quote of the Day “If it was his last game, he was one of the best teammates I’ve ever had,” said right tackle Lane Johnson. “A guy whose passion is unmatched. A guy who I saw Philly try to run him out of town. I saw a guy emerge from that and become the best center maybe that’s ever played.”

The Hall of Fame almost certainly awaits. Kelce, 36, made seven Pro Bowls in 13 seasons and was named First Team All-Pro for the sixth time this season — proof that he played at an elite level up to his final snap. Since the 1970 merger, he is the only center who has won a Super Bowl and earned first-team All-Pro honors six times.

Kelce may feel his skills have diminished, but his being voted as the all-pro center this season, beating out the Lions’ Frank Ragnow, tells you how good Kelce is playing, even at age 36.  He will be voted into the Hall of Fame the first year he is eligible. Kelce gets my Orchid of the Day

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Quote of the Day:  See the above quote by the Eagles’ Lane Johnson

Orchid of the Day: Jason Kelce, see the above story.

Onion of the Day:  The Iowa Caucus, it should not be first. Everybody knows it, but no one has the guts do anything about it.

Question of the Day:  See the above

Image of the Day: See the above.