Thoughts for the Day, January 18, 2024: Bring your earplugs.

Leah took this picture yesterday at our complex in Gulf Shores.  This is a very rare picture for down here. It is my Image of the Day


There is no doubt the Lions’ fans made a difference in the Lions’ win over the Rams. It is also why home field can be such an advantage.  Can you imagine how loud it is going to be on Sunday against the Buccaneers?

Per the Detroit News, the Detroit Lions broke Ford Field’s previous sound-level record four times during Sunday’s playoff game against the Los Angeles Rams, peaking at 133.6 decibels during player introductions.

The previous mark came during the team’s home opener against Seattle earlier this season, when readings reached 127.5 decibels.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hearing loss can occur with sustained exposure to decibel levels over 110 for two or more minutes. At a peak of 133.6, it is the equivalent to a jackhammer. Those levels can cause immediate pain or even ear injury. If you’re planning to attend the game against the Buccaneers and are concerned about the sound, ear plugs or noise-cancelling headphones are recommended.


We have a little over nine months until the presidential election in November.  Immigration and the southern border will front and center as the rhetoric will continue well after the election.  For the last 40 years the party not controlling the White House has complained about how the party controlling the White House handled immigration. It is like the deficit, no one wants to resolve it, they just want to complain and use it to rile their base of supporters.  Yesterday’s exchange in the House is a prime example as reported by Heather Cox Richardson.  

Today the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, chaired by James Comer (R-KY) held a hearing titled “The Biden Administration’s Regulatory and Policymaking Efforts to Undermine U.S. Immigration Law.” The administration has asked for additional funding for border patrol officers, immigration courts, and so on, but Comer said in his opening statement that the problem is not a lack of resources but rather an unwillingness to enforce the law. 

Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) replied: “You know we have failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform up here for decades.” He noted that one of his colleagues had provided statistics showing that President Barack Obama deported more people in each term than Trump did, so “if the border wasn’t a problem until President Biden was elected, then how are we deporting all of these people in administrations before Trump was elected? It’s because this situation has been going on for decades. So stop lying to the American people that none of this happened until President Biden was elected.”

Between now and the election I am not optimistic about a bi-partisan solution being passed into law because neither party wants the other party to take credit for a solution during an election year.  It is a sad statement on our current political atmosphere.


Today when the facts never get in the way of a good story, it is not surprising that the former president continues to spread the “big lie”.  The former president will not stop spreading this lie, because he knows it works.  Per The Guardian today.

For anyone else running for public office, a laundry list of criminal charges after attempting to overthrow an election would be a liability. For Donald Trump and his vehement followers, the court cases don’t show accountability – they show a conspiracy against their leader, one worthy of doubling down their support.

An NBC News entrance poll found a resounding 90% of Trump voters didn’t believe Biden legitimately won the election in 2020. A much lower 40% of Ron DeSantis don’t believe Biden won. For Nikki Haley, just 19% held that belief.

Trump’s rhetoric about the ‘big lie’ has reduced Republican confidence in election outcomes generally.” Indeed, national polls show Republicans hold deep skepticism over the legitimacy of Biden’s win. Just 31% of Republicans nationally believe Biden’s election was legitimate, a slight drop from 2021, according to a Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.

In interviews and at speeches at caucus sites, several Iowa Republicans underscored how the belief that the 2020 election was stolen holds a strong grip on the party. “I think he’s the only one who can beat the cheating Democrats,” Ron Osborn, a 73-year-old retired farmer, said on Monday at a caucus in Malcolm, Iowa.

A poll of likely Republican caucus voters published ahead of the vote found that 61% said their support of Trump would not be affected by a potential criminal conviction before the general election. ….Efforts to keep Trump out of the election through the courts may only solidify the beliefs of a coordinated conspiracy. And the Maga movement has proven for nearly a decade that there’s little Trump could do, and little anyone could do to hold Trump accountable, that would change their support for him.

For the Democrats to win, they need to develop a strategy that gets out the vote and convinces the non-believers of the “big lie” that democracy is on the ballot and a vote for the former president is a vote against democracy.

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Quote of the Day:  “Damn, I love Detroit!” David Montgomery, Lion running back after telling this story as reported in the Detroit News. “You know, I was pumping gas today and a lady came out and just thanked me for me playing a game. You take a wide (view), you take a step back at all the problems people go through at home. It’s cold out there and there’re lot of people who ain’t got homes. I’m pumping gas in a nice car, we just won a game, and she’s crying telling me, ‘Thank you, It gives you perspective on how much value and how much this sport and this game propels this city, and how this city feels about it. It makes you realize that it’s way bigger than what you expected it to be. It also makes you look at it like you’ve got to go harder.”

Montgomery said he hugged the woman back and thanked her for her support of the team.

Orchid of the Day: The lady above who spoke to David Montgomery

Onion of the Day:  The internet scammers who are trying take advantage of fans wanting to attend the Lion’s game on Sunday.

Question of the Day: If you are going to the Lion’s game on Sunday will you bring ear plugs?