Thoughts for the Day, January 2, 2023: Happy New Year

On Friday my question of the day was, Will Michigan beat TCU on Saturday?  The answer, Michigan did not beat TCU, Michigan beat themselves with two pick sixes, a fumble at the goal line, a terrible play call on fourth and two at the two yard-line on the opening drive (always take the points), a terrible defensive call to blitz when they had cut the lead to three and had TCU in a 3rd and 7 at TCU’s 28 yard line, and a botched snap on the last play of the game.  They left 11 points on the scoreboard, and they gave TCU 21 points in a game they lost by 6. Michigan has no one to blame but themselves.


Katie Couric wrote a great article on Barbara Walters who passed away this weekend at the age of 93.  Here are excerpts from her article.

Every female broadcast journalist working today owes a debt of gratitude to the O.G., Barbara Walters, who died Friday at age 93.

I know I do. Like many girls growing up in the 1960s and ’70s, I wanted to be the next Barbara Walters. I never would have become a co-anchor of the “Today” show if it hadn’t been for this trailblazer. Because Barbara was the first, she had to draw the blueprint, construct the house and constantly keep the winds of sexism from knocking it down.

Barbara got into the business when plenty of newsmen joked (sort of) about “getting the broads out of broadcasting.” She fought like hell for everything she got. After working her way up from writer to co-anchor of “Today,” she had to wait for the host Frank McGee to ask the first three questions of a studio guest, lest there be any question about who was in charge. When she was named the first female co-anchor of an evening newscast, at ABC, she broke yet another glass ceiling. That didn’t stop the press from calling her “the million dollar baby” for her lucrative contract, nor did it keep her fellow ABC News anchor Harry Reasoner, who reportedly wasn’t thrilled about his colleague’s presence, from looking as if he were sucking on a lemon when she spoke.

Support from her broadcasting brethren was nowhere to be found. But one day, a telegram arrived that said, “Don’t let the bastards get you down.” It was from John Wayne. My Quote of the Day.


Bill Ballenger, author of the Ballenger report, wrote a great piece on the recent population decline in Michigan.  Here are excerpts.

The Detroit Free Press recently noted that Michiganders are dying at higher rates and having fewer babies — leading to a natural decrease in population for the second straight year. Michigan is one of two dozen states, including Pennsylvania and Ohio, that had more deaths than births, according to the latest data.

Every year from 1900 to 2019, Michigan had more births than deaths – that includes the Great Depression, both world wars and the years post-Baby Boomer. But in both 2020 and 2021, Michigan has lost more of its residents to death than it gained via births, per new data from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

In addition, more people left the state than moved in, a net loss of 8,482 residents. We’re an “out-migrant” state. Demographer Kurt Metzger observes that we’ll never be able to reverse course unless we get more people to move here. Of course, that formula works only if we also arrest the flow of Michiganders who want to ‘get out.’

For the full report click on the following link.

If you ever wondered why coaches sometime get frustrated, all you have to do is watch the game tape of the last two games of U of M’s men’s basketball team.  On Thursday they lost to a 4-7 Central Michigan team, that out hustled, out rebounded and embarrassed Michigan in so many different ways. 

On Sunday, Michigan played a very good Maryland team, who started the season 8-0 and entered the Michigan game with a 10-3 record. Michigan scored the first 17 points of the game and led at half time 44-13 as Michigan center Hunter Dickenson scored more points in the first half than the entire Maryland team. Michigan held Maryland to the lowest first half totalin Michigan’s modern basketball history.  Michigan looked like they had seven men playing defense throughout the first half as they limited Maryland to one shot per possession while controlling the defensive rebounds.  For the first time all year Michigan played well in all facets of the game. 

It turns out the players were totally embarrassed following the loss to CMU so they had a players only meeting in which they got a lot of things off their chests and got everyone on the same page.  Whatever was said in the meeting worked for at least one game.  We will see how it carries over to the next game.


On Christmas Eve, Petoskey was hit with 12 inches of snow, brutally cold temperatures and 40-50 MPH winds.  By New Years Day, the snow was gone. You have to love Michigan weather.

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Quote of the Day: “Don’t let the bastards get you down.”  John Wayne to Barbara Walters early on in her career. .

Orchid of the Day:  Lion’s DE Aidan Hutchinson — the No. 2 overall pick in April out of Michigan — has three interceptions this season, tied for most among all NFL linebackers and defensive linemen (and one more than Gardner). He also ranks second among rookies with 7½ sacks, trailing only Houston. On Sunday, the 22-year-old became the first rookie in NFL history with 7½ sacks, three interceptions and two fumble recoveries. The only other defensive lineman to accomplish those numbers: Hall of Famer Richard Dent in 1990 — his eighth NFL season. Hutchinson registered his third interception to end the first half against the Bears.

Onion of the Day:  Jim Harbaugh. He should know that you always take the points in the early going of football games. 

Question of the Day:  When was the last time the Lions played a meaningful game in January?

Video of the Day: