Thoughts for the Day, January 25, 2022: Big Papi

Baseball Hall of Fame announced David “Big Papi” Ortiz was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame on Tuesday. It was Ortiz first time being eligible for the vote.  He is more than deserving of this special honor of being elected on the first ballot.  Ortiz has been great for the city of Boston, and he is a great ambassador for baseball.  What is most interesting is those who didn’t get elected.  Those whose careers were tarnished by steroid use did not make it.  Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Curt Schilling, and Sammy Sosa did not make it on their 10th ballot so they will no longer be on future ballots.  In my humble opinion, Bonds, Clemens, and Schilling would have made the H of F without the use of steroids.  Unfortunately, they chose to use steroids to enhance their performance in the latter part of their careers.  Also interesting was that Alex Rodriquez received less than 40% of votes in his first year of eligibility.  A Rod is another player who allegedly used steroids.  However, we shouldn’t feel too bad for him.  He made over $500 million in salary during his career.

There was a great article in the NY Times about the absurdity of one’s political persuasion affects how one acts and believes as it relates to Covid-19.  I will share excerpts from the article.  I start out with a quote which says so much about how screwed up the thinking is as it relates to Covid-19 and the influence political identity plays a part in how one acts.

As David Hogg, a gun-control activist, tweeted last year, “The inconvenience of having to wear a mask is more than worth it to have people not think I’m a conservative.” 

On Covid, both political tribes really do seem to be struggling to read the evidence objectively. As a result, the country is suffering thousands of preventable deaths every week while also accepting a preventable crisis of isolation that’s falling particularly hard on children.

But look at Americans’ level of worry about getting sick, by vaccination status:

It’s a remarkable disconnect between perception and reality. A majority of the boosted say they are worried about getting sick from Covid. In truth, riding in a car presents more danger to most of them than the virus does. A majority of the unvaccinated, on the other hand, say they are not particularly worried.  Most Democrats, for example, say they favor moving classes online in response to Omicron, despite widespread evidence that remote school has failed and little evidence that shutting schools leads to fewer Covid cases. Closed schools almost certainly do more damage to children and vaccinated adults than Omicron does.  

What are you doing today to stop violence?  What are you doing today to expand mental health services for those in need?  What are you doing today to make sure your guns are not are accessible to minors in your household?

Stay Safe. Social Distance. Wear your mask when indoors in public places.  Schedule your vaccine and booster.

Orchid of the Day:  David Ortiz for his election to the Baseball Hall of Fame

Onion of the Day: President Biden for not knowing when he has a live MIC in front of him.

Quote of the Day: “This is a guy who took the game to a whole, totally different level — same as Roger, the Rocket,” “When I see these guys, to be honest with you, I don’t even compare myself to them because I saw so many times those guys performing, and it was very special. Not having them join me, at this time, it’s hard for me to believe, to be honest with you, because those guys, they did it all.”  David Ortiz said of Bonds and Clemens on a video conference call Tuesday night.

Song/Video of the Day: David Ortiz finding out he was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame.