Thoughts for the Day, January 27, 2023: Gut wrenching videos which I will not show.

I hate violence of any kind, so watching the videos released today by the City of Memphis in the Tyre Nichols arrest and the release by the courts of the attack on Paul Pelosi have turned my stomach upside down this evening. Violence such as seen on the two videos is gut wrenching. Both videos raise many questions. Hopefully, the justice system will sort out fact from fiction and the truth will come out sooner than later.


Because of Michigan’s $9 Billion surplus, the new Democratic majorities in Michigan’s House and Senate are working to approve a $1 billion tax cut which will reduce the taxes on pensions for teachers and state employees and increase spending of $200 million to modernize an UP Swedish paper mill, and $150 million for a “business attraction fund” among other things.  However, there was no mention of Fixing the Damn Roads, which was the campaign theme of Governor Whitmer as she was campaigning in 2018 for her first term.  This is so disappointing.  Whitmer and company need to ride on other states’ roads so she can put in perspective how bad Michigan’s roads are.  


Did you know that the debt ceiling has been raised 78 times since 1960.  It has been raised 49 times under Republican presidents and 29 times under Democratic presidents.  The deficit was $1 trillion in 1980 and is currently $31 trillion.

Expecting our politicians to use the debt ceiling to control their universal desire to spend taxpayer money makes as much sense as expecting chronic speeders to use speed limits to control speeding on our roads. The truth of the matter is that Congress has no desire to limit spending or reduce the deficit anymore than they want to implement a practical immigration plan, a simple tax code, or God forbid, a reasonable gun control policy.  They love talking about it but they will never get caught acting on it.


The Democratic Party will be celebrating this weekend. Ronna McDaniel won another term as the head of the national Republican Party. Under her leadership, she has lost the popular vote by over 10 million in two presidential elections, and she orchestrated  one of the worst showings ever in congressional elections for the minority party in a non-presidential election year.  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. You cannot make this up. 


If you were just a college basketball fan and you didn’t care about the outcome, the MSU/Iowa and UofM/Purdue were great games to watch last night. Both game were played with high intensity and relatively free of sloppy play and turnovers.  MSU won by two and M lost by five to number one Purdue.  Although M is still in the upper half of the B1G standings, their chances of making the NCAA tournament are all but out the window.  Their best chance is to win the B1G tourney, otherwise they are going to have to win nearly all their remaining scheduled games to get selected.  The chances of that happening are slim and none.

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Quote of the Day:  “The citizens of Memphis, and, more importantly, the family of Mr. Nichols deserve to know the complete account of the events leading up to his death and what may have contributed to it,” Lt. Essica Cage-Rosario, the Memphis police union’s president, said in a statement.

Orchid of the Day: My lunch today at one of my favorite places in Orange Beach, “Southern Grind, more than a coffee shop”.

Onion of the Day: Newly elected House Republican Cory Mills of Florida handed out defused grenades today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Mills accompanied the grenades with a note suggesting he was sending them because McCarthy has put him on the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees. You cannot make this stuff up.  If you did, people would think you were crazy.

Question of the Day: Whatever happened to Fix the Damn Roads?

Video of the Day: No video today.  The videos I should show, I have chosen not to.