Thoughts for the Day, January 6, 2022: May we build a bridge over troubled waters. See my song of the Day

I want to start today’s blog with my quote of the day from January 6,2021.

Today’s quote of the day comes from Senator Mitch McConnell, who had his finest hour on the senate floor during the senate’s debate about accepting the electoral vote of the State of Arizona. “Our duty is to govern for the public good. The United States Senate has a higher calling than an endless spiral of partisan vengeance. Congress will either override the voters, overrule them, the voters, the states, and the courts for the first time ever, or honor the people’s decision. We’ll either guarantee democrats’ delegitimizing efforts after 2016 become a permanent new routine for both sides or declare that our nation deserves a lot better than this. We’ll either hasten down a poisonous path where only the winners of an election actually accept the results or show we can still muster the patriotic courage that our forebears showed not only in victory but in defeat.”

The quote is from the speech Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel gave on the Senate Floor following the insurrection but prior to the certification of the 2020 presidential election later that evening. I indicated I thought it was McConnel’s finest hour. Little did I know how quickly he and others would brush aside what happened and get back on the bandwagon of Donald Trump. Less than two weeks later, he refused to support the prosecution of Trump at his impeachment trial. Furthermore, the 10 Republican Congressman, including Upton and Meijer from Michigan, who voted to have Trump impeached have essentially been black balled by the Republican Party which is still controlled by Trump. One year later I am amazed at the number of Republicans who are making light of the insurrection of January 6, 2021. An insurrection in which 7 people died and the Confederate flag for the first and only time was waved in the U.S. Capitol. The extremist of both parties are ruining our Democracy. It is time for the Moderates to regain control and get this country back on track.

I want to share an editorial that appeared in Bridge Magazine yesterday. The editorial was written by JIm Havemen and Janet Olszewski, I have had the pleasure of working with both of them during my career. Haveman is the former director for the Michigan Department of Community Health under former Republican Governors John Engler and Rick Snyder. Olszewski is the former director for the Michigan Department of Community Health under former Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm. Here is the editorial.

We’ve had the pleasure of serving three Michigan governors from both political parties while heading the state’s Department of Community Health. In that role, we dealt with measles, tuberculosis and foodborne illness outbreaks, as well as H1N1 (swine flu) – the last pandemic prior to COVID-19. Regardless which party is in charge, it is imperative public health experts are allowed to do their jobs unimpeded by bureaucrats and politicians at the local or state level. Promoting public health and safety and saving lives is our top priority and should not be a Republican or Democratic issue. Public health emergencies are complex, fast moving and ever changing. That’s why local and state public health officials are specifically trained and possess the experience to understand emerging threats, and to swiftly deploy responses to save lives. 

Yet another ballot proposal dubbed Unlock Michigan 2.0 would hamstring public health experts to prevent the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19, Legionnaire’s disease and hepatitis after 28 days. This proposal is irresponsible because it shifts decision-making authority away from public health experts and places the decisions in the hands of politicians who are often ill-equipped for this role.  Public health experts, not politicians, have the expertise to respond to public health crises. They don’t care whether the decisions they make are popular enough because their decisions are based in science and fact, not in a popularity contest that ends on Election Day. Actions and policies to prevent the spread of infectious disease are not always popular. We’ve seen that plain as day with COVID-19 and continue to see that as cases rise once again. They are, however, necessary. Necessary to save lives, to reduce suffering and to protect all residents in our communities across Michigan.

Because of the headlines we read and what we are witnessing today, we are getting a good look at how future public health responses would play out if Unlock Michigan 2.0 is successful. Many people steadfastly oppose evidence-based policies that local health officials try to implement. Some even stand by while local health officials are demeaned and vilified for putting the health of their communities first.  And now Michigan has its highest rate of COVID infection since the pandemic began.  We can’t remain silent about this any longer. This is why as current and former public health officials we are raising our collective voices against Unlock Michigan’s dangerous proposal and urge Michigan voters to decline to sign. I give my full support to Jim and Janet’s recommendation.

What are you doing today to stop violence?  What are you doing today to expand mental health services for those in need?  What are you doing today to make sure your guns are not are accessible to minors in your household?

Stay Safe. Social Distance. Wear your mask when indoors in public places.  Schedule your vaccine and booster.

Orchid of the Day: Jim Haveman and Janet Olszewski who represent both political parties, have served under three different governors putting their party’s differences aside to find common ground and come together for the greater good. They set an example that needs to be followed by the leaders of both parties.

Onion of the Day: To those who continually downplay the events of January 6, 2021

Quote of the Day: “Violently attacking the Capitol is not consistent with American democratic traditions. Nor is trying to airbrush the horror of that attack, as many top Republican officials have. Nor are flamboyant, repeated lies about election results — and promises to act on those lies in the future.”  David Leonhardt, NY Times opinion writer.

Song of the Day: This goes out to all of my friends who are weary of Covid-19 and the troubled water running through this country. “Bridge over Troubled Water” Performed by Elvis Presley.