Thoughts for the Day, July 16, 2020: Remember When?

Do you remember when

Back in January when POTUS said we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s — going to be just fine? The US has only 5% of the world’s population but has over 25% of the world’s cases. The US has 1.5 million more cases than Brazil which is the country with the second leading number of cases.

Back In February when POTUS praises China’s “efforts and transparency” and thanks Chinese President Xi Jinping for his response to the virus? Later in March POTUS started to refer to it as the Chinese virus.

Back in March when Governor Whitmer implemented social distancing in Michigan invoked emergency powers and people thought she was over reacting and killing the economy?. At the time Michigan had the third most cases in the US. Currently Michigan is not anywhere near the top 10.

In March when POTUS wanted the economy open by Easter Sunday April 12 and said he didn’t want the cure to be worse than the disease? For the over 130,000 who have died, the cure is not worse than the disease.

On March 29 when Dr. Fauci predicted millions of U.S. cases and 100,000 to 200,000 deaths. On April 12, under pressure from the POTUS, Fauci lowered his predictions 60,000 deaths? We have over 130,000 deaths and our case numbers are climbing by 60,000 a day. Ten million cases is a strong possibility.

Back in April when POTUS referred to Governor Whitmer as That Women from Michigan as he criticized her and the governors of Virginia and Minnesota for killing the economy of their states? All of these governors are Democrats. Governor Whitmer looks like a genius now when compared to her Republican counterparts in Florida, Texas, Georgia and Arizona.

Back in May when POTUS claimed the US was the world leader in responding to the coronavirus? We are the leader all right. Our citizens are dying at a much faster pace than any other country in the world.

Back in May when POTUS said that the US has “met the moment and we have prevailed” in responding to the coronavirus. I wonder what facts he was looking at to come to that conclusion?

Back in May when Dr. Fauci was part of the daily POTUS briefing. Now we find out the POTUS went for weeks without talking to Dr. Fauci, even though world leaders from other countries continued to seek his advice.

I will remember this and much more come November.

2 thoughts on “Thoughts for the Day, July 16, 2020: Remember When?

  1. John Clark

    Try to also remember the all the details regarding this pandemic .. not just a one-sided dissertations of Anti Trump rhetoric.

    Objectivity seems to be seldom employed on Biggs Works.

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