Thoughts for the Day, July 6, 2022: How about those Tigers?

How about those Tigers?  Out of nowhere they sweep the Cleveland Guardians (Indians).  At the half-way point in the season the Tigers are 34-47, eleven games behind the Central Division leading Minnesota Twins and ten games behind the final wild card spot.  To many the season has been a big disappointment as the Tigers were supposed to contend, which I believe they will do next year.  This team has the makings of a very solid team, especially with the addition of Riley Greene.  Unfortunately, their hitting has been dreadful as everyone, but Cabrera is hitting below expectations.  Javier Baez is struggling at the plate like so many first-year big-time free agents do when they sign a big contract. However, his defense has been outstanding and his ability to turn the double play has really helped the pitching staff.  Look for this team to play above .500 in their final 81 games.  How much over .500 depends on whether the injury bug slows down to normal.  I am not sure any other team could lose five starters and still be competing as well has the Tigers game in and game out.  For the most part they are in every game, thanks to the outstanding job Chris Fetter is doing as the pitching coach.  Hopefully, the Tigers can keep him from going to Michigan.

My blog from yesterday, received plenty of comments on Facebook.  One came from, Doug Wood,  a fellow golfer from Radrick Farms.  His comment to my post was as follows,  “See my post from Monday. It will leave a scar forever.”   I then checked out his post and was shocked to read the following:

Well, what a day so far.

Sitting here in neighborhood lockdown after attending the Highland Park Parade. There is nothing more frightening than the sound of automatic gunfire from only 75 yards away!!!! 6 dead and counting; Shooter still at large.

Still sinking in, but feeling numb and very lucky this afternoon; could have easily been me or another family member. Thank goodness our kids/grandkids were not here today.

This event and others over the course of the last month has got me thinking. We can shout, scream, protest and riot, send thoughts and prayers or write a check, but not much changes.

In my opinion, one way to institute real change is to:

2. Be informed in who you are voting for

3. Vote with your values and not your wallet

It’s not easy and demographics play a huge role in outcomes, but if you’re not happy with those that represent you, vote them out. There is no short-term fix, change takes time, but it starts with a vote. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere.

Not the way I thought I would be remembering this 4th of July.

Stay safe and all the best.

“It will leave a scar forever.”  Once you, or a family member, or a close friend have been victims of violence, especially mass shootings, your life will never be the same.  I have wrote about it many times in the last two years about the impact it has had on Leah and me. Yesterday I shared an article in which Ronald Reagan’s daughter Patti Davis talked about it, and now Doug Wood and other family members are “scarred forever”.  How many others attending the Highland Park parade are also scarred forever?  Will they ever be able to attend a parade or any outdoor public event again? 

I will continue to speak out about mass shootings.  I do not want to take away rights guaranteed by the second amendment. I do not want to take away citizens’ right to own guns.  I am about protecting our children, our loved ones, our fellow citizens so they can do normal things without worrying about becoming victims, while attending school, attending a parade, shopping at the grocery school, attending a night club, attending a music festival, hanging out in the neighborhood and more.  I am about developing a commonsense approach that eliminates the sale of semi-automatic weapons, with high-capacity magazines, with .50 caliber or larger bullets to the public.  I am about strengthening our mental health systems to “red flag” people who should not be eligible to purchase guns of any kind.  I am about working with law enforcement to enforce the laws that are on the books. 

Quote of the Day:  “I don’t know what the answers are anymore. But yet again, and I base this on media reports, so anecdotal at best, there were laws and procedures to prevent this man from obtaining/possessing weapons.  The people around him failed and broke the law allowing him to have these weapons.  We can pass all the laws and restrictions we want. If people don’t follow them, they are not going to work.  This is why I am following the prosecution in Oakland County. I support the prosecutor’s action and hope she wins the case.  After every one of these, I sit and wonder what has changed in our society that results in this. It is not the guns.  It baffles me to no end.”  Larry Ward, a friend, fellow umpire and regular reader of my blog.

As Larry Ward asks, “what has changed in our society that results in this?  I do not have an answer.  However, I know what Doug Wood said is correct.  “We can shout, scream, protest and riot, send thoughts and prayers or write a check, but not much changes. In my opinion, one way to institute real change is to:


2. Be informed in who you are voting for

3. Vote with your values and not your wallet”

Let’s end the scarring. 

Feel free to share my blog.

Elections Matter. Pray for peace and tolerance. What are you doing to stop the violence and mass killings? 

Orchid of the Day: The Detroit Tigers for sweeping the Cleveland Guardians

Extra Orchids of the Day:  To Doug Wood for sharing his life changing experience and speaking up and to Larry Ward, for his continued thoughtful responses to my posts. 

Onion of the Day:  No onion today when it is a double orchid day.

Quote of the Day:  see above from Larry Ward.

Question of the Day:  Will the Tigers play above 500 over the remainder of their 81 games?

Video/Image of the Day: