Thoughts for the Day, March 17, 2022: The “Madness” has begun, just ask Iowa.

The “Madness” has begun.  The Iowa Hawkeyes, a 5-seed, went from winning the B1G Tournament on Sunday to losing to number 12-seed Richmond today.  An off-day in the NCAA tournament can lead to elimination and a very long offseason, even if you are the better team.  In a one game elimination tournament there is no room for error.

Michigan as an 11-seed advanced today by beating the number 6-seed Colorado State Rams with an outstanding second half following a nightmare first half.  Since 2010 the 11-seeds have a 24-20 record against the number 6-seeds. 

Today was a first for me in a very long time.  I chose to not watch or listen to the Michigan game for the first 35 minutes of the game.  I decided to do something productive and less stressful, so I went on a 10-mile bike ride. I checked the score prior to my ride and Michigan was down by 15 in the first half.  When I returned from my bike ride, I was shocked to see Michigan was ahead by six with five minutes left.  I then watched the last five minutes of the game. I think this is going to be my approach for the remainder of the tournament for both U of M and MSU games.  It probably won’t matter after Sunday as both will probably be eliminated by then.

One of the highlights of the NCAA tournament, is watching the TV studio coverage provided by host Ernie Johnson and commentators Clark Kellogg, Kenny “the Jet” Smith, and the one-and-only Charles Barkley.  The expertise they bring along with the locker room banter is hilarious.  In one segment today, there was a video asking a Tennessee player, three things.  For the question of three things he wishes he would have done differently, the player mentioned that he wished he hadn’t burnt the cookies he baked. This led Barkley, Kellogg, and Smith into a long discussion about what college kid, especially a basketball player, bakes cookies.  Clearly it was not something the three of them ever did.  For a couple of minutes Johnson lost all control fo the segment. It ended with Barkley saying, “He just cut up those “hood” cookies and stuck them in the oven.” Kellogg and Smith, then asked Barkley for an explanation of what is a ‘hood cookie’. Ernie Johnson decided it was time to take back control while the other three continued to banter.  There is a reason Barkley is on a 3-second delay. Please watch my Video of the Day.

I was saddened to hear about the horrendous truck/van accident in Texas.  A 13-year-old boy was behind the wheel of a pickup truck that struck a van in Texas on Tuesday night in a collision that killed nine people, including a college golf coach and six of his players, along with the boy and a man traveling with him, officials said on Thursday. Bruce Landsberg, vice chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, said at a news conference that the truck’s left front tire was a spare that had blown out before the truck veered into the lane the golf team’s van was traveling in and struck the van head-on. It was unclear at what speeds the vehicles were traveling, but Mr. Landsberg noted that the speed limit in the area is 75 miles per hour. It was unclear why the 13-year-old boy, whose name was not released by the authorities on Thursday, was driving the truck. Henrich Siemens, 38, of Seminole County, Texas, who was also in the truck, was killed in the collision, the authorities said.

Putin and the Russian forces continue to target civilians.  His strategy appears to be one of bombing Ukraine and its citizens into oblivion.  In addition, the Russian forces are surrounding cities and trying to cut off all aid, food, and water to the citizens, without regard to the number of civilian deaths, including children and babies.  President Biden is correct in calling Putin a war criminal.  In the meantime, Putin, is acting like Mussolini and Hitler, by stifling all dissent within Russia.  Russian citizens are subject to life-threatening treatment by Putin’s internal security force if they show any dissent against Putin and his regime.  I hope that his fate is like that of Hitler and Mussolini.

I had a brain-fart today.  I ordered take-out from Aubree’s in Ypsilanti’s Depot Town today forgetting it was St. Patrick’s Day.  I had to park about a ¼ mile away from the restaurant.  On the way home, I passed a fraternity house with over 100 of our futures finest hanging out on the lawn and into the street, all with cups of green beer in their hands.  Youth!!!!!!!!!!!.

Pray for peace. What are you doing to stop the violence?  Get vaccinated and get your booster.

Orchid of the Day: Michigan’s men’s basketball team for reversing their fortunes from Sunday when they blew a 17-point lead.  Today they overcame a 15-point deficit.

Onion of the Day:  The adult who allowed a 13 year-old to get behind the wheel of a truck and resulting in the deaths of nine people including the 13-year old.

Quote of the Day: “We need to be respectful of each other. Help others without judging. Know your neighbors and step up when you can help. Don’t let little disagreements or opinions keep us from seeing family.” A follower of “Thoughts for the Day”

Video of the Day: Charles Barkley at his finest.