Thoughts for the Day, March 20, 2024: Screw Netanyahu

Netanyahu continues to defy President Biden’s and our allies call for restraint. Per the NY Times. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel brushed aside disagreement with the Biden administration over a planned ground invasion of the southern Gaza city of Rafah, saying Tuesday that his government would press ahead despite pleas for restraint from the United States and key allies.

It is time for the Biden to stop the flow of money to Israel.  If the war continues, Netanyahu will remain in power.  Without money from the U.S and our allies, Netanyahu will not be able to fund the war.  It is time for a very strong stance against Netanyahu.


Per the NY Times, President Biden plans to announce on Wednesday that his administration will award up to $8.5 billion in grants to Intel, a major investment to bolster the nation’s semiconductor production, during a tour of battleground states meant to sell his economic agenda.

The award, which will go to the construction and expansion of Intel facilities around the United States, is the biggest the federal government has made with funding from the CHIPS Act, which lawmakers passed in 2022 to help re-establish the United States as a leader in semiconductor manufacturing.

This will go a long way in preventing future shortages in chip production. As we learned a few years ago, chip production is an important driver in our economy because chips are an integral part of our daily lives.  This is a big deal!!!!!!


I am hoping that the recent decision to allow the State of Texas to arrest people entering illegally through the border with Mexico will spur congress to develop a common sense approach to immigration.  Late yesterday, the ruling has been temporarily put on hold. If the ruling is allowed to go into effect, it will add to the chaos that already exists at our borders.  The time to act is now, not after the election.


Although inflation has decreased substantially from two years ago, prices at the grocery store and at the gasoline pump continue to remain high.  No matter how well the macro economy is doing, until voters begin to see sustained reductions in grocery and fuel prices, voters will not look favorably on the economy.  This is a major dilemma the Biden campaign faces moving forward between now and November. They must figure it out because there is too much at stake.


Sometimes one must be careful what one asks for, as New York environmentalists have learned. 

Per The Guardian, environmentalists celebrated the closure of New York’s deteriorating and unloved Indian Point nuclear plant in 2021. But since its closure, the state’s greenhouse gas emissions have gone up. Despite its impact on the surrounding environment, the nuclear plant supplied a large chunk of the state’s carbon-free electricity – and it is gas, rather than clean energy such as solar and wind, that has been filling that void.

“From a climate change point of view, it has been a real step backwards and made it harder for New York City to decarbonize its electricity supply than it could have been,” said Ben Furnas, a climate and energy policy expert at Cornell University. “This has been a cautionary tale that has left New York in a really challenging spot.”

I have always believed the country was too hasty in its desire to eliminate nuclear energy. The UK is planning on building eight nuclear energy plants over the next 8-10 years to supply at least 25% of the UK’s energy needs. Although nuclear energy is not renewable, it provides zero emissions once the facility is operating. It is the nuclear waste that is problematic, but Europe seems to have developed an acceptable solution.

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Quote of the Day: “They don’t even give you a chance to appeal. They want you to put up money before the appeal. So, if you sell a property or do something, and then you win the appeal, you don’t have the property,” The former president said on WABC radio’s “Sid & Friends In The Morning.”

I feel so sorry for him. Not!!!!!!

Orchid of the Day: Eminem.  Dr. Dre announced on the Jimmey Kimmel show last night that Eminem will be coming out with a new album (or whatever they call it now) later in 2024. Since I am a big Eminem fan, I look forward to hearing the new songs.

Onion of the Day: Cam Sutton, cornerback for the Detroit Lions, is wanted for domestic assault after an incident in Florida in early March. Per the police, Sutton has fled the area, and the police have no idea where he is.  Look for the Lions to release him soon to get out of the three-year contract he signed prior to last season.  His salary for the coming year is for over $10 million. I am sure the contract has a behavior clause which allows the Lions to void the contract if the clause is violated.

Question of the Day: If they are not called albums or CDs anymore, what are they called?

Video of the Day: This is what a winter weather advisory looks like in Petoskey. High winds and lake affect snow. While I was filming this on the west side of Little Traverse Bay, Leah and her Women Outdoors on Wednesday group was hiking on the east side of the bay at Petoskey State Park. The WOW group does something outdoors every Wednesday 52 weeks out of the year.