Thoughts for the Day, March 31, 2023: April Fool’s Day is cancelled.

I got this last night from one of my friends and blog followers.  It is my Quote of the Day. “April Fool’s Day is Cancelled:  No made-up prank could match the unbelievable s**t going on in the world right now.  Dan “Senior” Jeffery.


One of the wisest people I know sent me an email yesterday in response to my blogs earlier in the week about gun deaths and mental health. It is a call to action. Here are excerpts from the email.  

…..We wring our hands, cry real tears, make pronouncements and offer useless thoughts and prayers. Reasonable people want this to end. 

What we don’t do is lobby our politicians incessantly to make this a priority. What we don’t do is provide support for the groups whose sole purpose is to find some kind of meaningful resolution to end the nightmare we’re continually living in. We can never be too tired to stop fighting to save our children and ourselves.

We have “watch parties” for sporting and certain entertainment events. We could have “contact your representative (local, state or national) events” at our homes or neutral venues. We need to educate ourselves and voters on the power of relentless advocacy. Politicians owe us honest constitutional representation. It’s tragic that many are only interested in placating the faithful few because they know re-election is assured.

The struggle continues. Constant awareness of our surroundings is essential as you have said. The damage to our children cannot be quantified. We have to find a way.


It is an exciting and stressful time for Leah and me.  After nearly 38 years in our Ypsi house, we put the house on the market today so we can begin the final step in our transition to living in Petoskey.  We have spent the last month getting the house ready for this day. Today we met with the realtor at 10 AM. The house hit the market at 2 PM and we had our first showing at 4:30 PM.  We have two showings already scheduled for Saturday and another for Sunday. We hope for more.

Leah has been a “rockstar’ as she has put all the finishing touches to the house, which I would never think of in my wildest dreams.  As the realtor said, the inside of the house looks like a model. 


Today is also a milestone day in my blogging career.  Three years ago today, March 31, 2020, during the early stages of the pandemic, I wrote my first blog. I did it out of boredom.  I had no idea what I was doing, where it would go, or how long I would continue doing it.  I started out doing it seven days per week, which was easy during the height of the pandemic.  After a year, I transitioned to five days per week, and in the past year I have transitioned to writing it when life does not get in the way, time permits, and I feel the urge to write.  I will continue with this approach in the coming year.

I really welcome comments, on Facebook, Twitter, or on the blog itself. The comments help me stay motivated.

Please check out my Orchid of the Day and Video of the Day. They are related to each other.  

Feel free to share my blog or to sign up to receive it directly in your email.  See the sign-up at the bottom of the blog below the video.

Quote of the Day: See above.

Orchid of the Day: Delawrence Jones, the Amazon driver who is the star in my Video of the Day.

Onion of the Day: No onion today

Question of the Day: What facts are missing?

Following the murder of three nine-year old students and three adults at the Covenant School in Nashville, GOP leaders repeatedly deflected questions about what action from Congress might help prevent the murder of schoolchildren and their adult caretakers by heavily armed shooters. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he wanted to see “all the facts” before discussing it. Several other Republicans stuck to that now-familiar script, suggesting it was inappropriate for lawmakers to debate gun violence until more facts came in.

Here are the facts. Three nine-year olds are dead while attending school.  Gun deaths are now the number one cause of deaths for all children 18 and under. Mental health care continues to be severely underfunded, and the number of qualified providers continue to decrease.

Video of the Day:  It is worth your time. Thank you, Dan, for sharing this with me.

Homeowners choked up after delivery driver fixes, salutes American flag | Fox News

1 thought on “Thoughts for the Day, March 31, 2023: April Fool’s Day is cancelled.

  1. Wanda

    I hope you will continue, even intermittently.

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