Thoughts for the Day, March 7, 2022: In memory of Florence and Buzzy

On March 7, 1975, Leah’s mom Florence (56) was murdered in a jewelry store robbery in River Rouge.  She along with three other employees, Carlos (13), Cathy (16), and David (22) were killed execution style at around 4 PM on a Friday afternoon. Florence was a beautiful lady who absolutely loved me.  By the time Leah and I were married, I had been with Leah and hanging around the house on Maple St for over 5 years.  She was so used to me hanging around she treated me like I was just part of the family.  One day prior to Leah and I getting married, I was over at the house prior to the rest of Leah’s family showing up for some special occasion and Florence said to me, “I guess I better get up and straighten up before company comes.”  I asked her what I was, and she said I was not company, I was part of the family.  I knew then and there that she loved me.

The picture below was taken on our wedding day, less than two years prior to Florence’s murder.  At our wedding, Leah wore the same wedding dress that her mom wore when she got married.  As you can see by the picture, Leah comes by her beauty honestly. 

On March 7, 2011, I also lost one of my soulmates, Jack “Buzzy” Blair.  Buzzy and I had been friends since we were little toddlers.  My mom and Buzzy’s mom were best of friends, and they shared the same birthday.  Buzzy lived only 5 doors down from Leah, it was very convenient for me.  As a result, I knew Leah long before we ever started dating.  Buzzy, George Mihaiu, and I did everything together.  The three of us started hanging around when we started kindergarten and it is a friendship that has lasted a lifetime.  Although Buzz and George lived in Florida for most of their adult lives, we never let 1,000 miles get in between our friendship.  The morning George called to let me know that Buzzy died, I collapsed on my bed, because I felt I lost part of my soul.  He still lives within my heart, and he makes me smile every time I think of him.

The picture below of Buzzy was taken by George Mihaiu in Ft. Lauderdale. 

Mr. Putin denied that Russian forces were targeting civilian and vowed to reach all of his goals “through negotiation of war,” according to the French president.  The Russians may not be targeting civilians, but they sure are not doing anything to avoid hitting them.  Based on the picture below and the many other pictures of bombed out apartment buildings, either Putin is lying, or the Russian military is not as advanced as advertised.

Ukrainian soldiers trying to save the father of a family of four — the only one at that moment who still had a pulse — moments after being hit by a mortar while trying to flee Irpin, near Kyiv, on Sunday.Credit…Lynsey Addario for The New York Times

I was very critical of President Biden for the handling of the withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan.  At the same time, I am very pleased with his handling of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  I want to share excerpts from a recent article I read from the NY Times about Biden’s leadership.  

He led an unprecedented declassification of intelligence about Russia’s intentions to invade and to justify its actions, weakening Moscow’s arguments on the world stage. Biden and his team held countless meetings and phone calls to rally western allies, helping imbue Nato with a sense of unity and purpose that many feared it had lost forever. The resulting sanctions imposed have gone further than many expected in scope and scale and could collapse the Russian economy.

 “The Ukraine crisis has been the Biden administration’s finest hour. The president and his senior officials have been skillful and tireless in trying to coordinate a united response. The results speak for themselves. The sanctions are extraordinary and even more extraordinary has been the turnaround in European thinking and policy. It’s been breathtakingly fast.”

Pray for peace and cool heads. What are you doing to stop the violence?  Get vaccinated and get your booster.

Orchid of the Day: Florence Kleinow and Jack “Buzzy” Blair.  

Onion of the Day:  Vladimir Putin

Quote of the Day: PresidentTrump “barely knew where Ukraine was” and repeatedly complained about Russian sanctions. Trump should have sanctioned the Nord Stream 2 pipeline between Russia and Germany, rather than letting it proceed, and concluded: “It’s just not accurate to say that Trump’s behavior somehow deterred the Russians.”  John Bolton, Secretary of State during the Trump administration

Video of the Day: No video today.

4 thoughts on “Thoughts for the Day, March 7, 2022: In memory of Florence and Buzzy

  1. Ron McClatchey

    Tom, Who is that guy in the picture with all that hair?😀

    • Thomasdbiggs Post author

      My kids always get a kick out the picture. They cannot imagine me with hair like that.
      Stay safe and keep in touch.

  2. Dorothy Elliott

    Your wife is beautiful. It’s no wonder that you have been together for so many years both of you love each other so much as it seems by your writing. You are a friend to have because you are one for life. I loved your thoughts today.

    God save the Ukraine people, especially the little children who had no say.

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