Thoughts for the Day, May 24, 2023: Simply the best. Better than all the rest.

She was the GOAT. She set the standard that others strived to achieve.

The following describes her perfectly. “In the context of today’s show business, Tina Turner must be the most sensational professional onstage. She comes on like a hurricane. She dances and twists and shakes and sings and the impact is instant and total.” Ralph J. Gleason, the influential jazz and pop critic for The San Francisco Chronicle. Although this quote was written in 1969, it could have been written in 79, 89, 99 and 2009 and still applied.

My first exposure to Tina was when she performed “Proud Mary” with the Ike and Tina Revue on the Ed Sullivan Show in the late 60s. Her voice and her movements were captivating. I instantly became a fan. I also remember her appearing on The Cher show, where she once again captivated me with her voice and movements. I remember thinking that Cher had to be pretty brave to perform on stage with Tina and the way she moves.

Her songs have been a staple of my playlists, CDs, tapes and albums for nearly 50 years. Best, What’s Love Got to Do with It, We Don’t Need Another Hero, Proud Mary, River Deep and Mountain High and Acid Queen are as good as it gets. Try to listen to these songs without singing along and keeping your feet still.

Thank God, she had the strength to get out of her abusive marriage with Ike. The world benefited from her strength to make it happen.

Please make sure you watch my Video of the Day in its entirety.


Today is the one-year anniversary of the Uvalde mass shooting where 19 children and two teachers were killed. Long before and long since I have spoken about the life changing affect these mass shootings have on the families of the victims and others who were in harm’s way. What we are learning more and more is that the mass shootings are having a lasting impact on the communities in which they occurred. As the citizens try to move forward, great divides are occurring as some want to move on while others continue to press for answers. It has been seen in Oxford, Michigan and it is tearing apart Uvalde.

As I was reading various articles today about the shooting in Uvalde, I ran across a quote that really hit home about the absurdity of this unique American problem. “The Justice Department has helped city officials connect with people in other cities torn apart by mass shootings, sharing a kind of grim new playbook for navigating the long, painful aftermath.”

Think about that. A playbook for dealing with the aftermaths of mass shootings. Only in America.


I have always been a big advocate of the separation of church and state, so I was pleased the effort to require the ten commandments be posted in all Texas public school classrooms failed. Don’t get me wrong, I am a firm believer in following the ten commandments. I just don’t think it should be part of public schools or other government entities.


I am really enjoying watching Zack Greinke pitch for the K.C Royals against the Tigers tonight. This is Greinke’s 20th year in the majors and he still can get it done. In his early years he could dominate with his fast ball and slider. Now he has become the crafty veteran who gets people out with location, change of speeds and wisdom. Greinke is an outstanding athlete who in spite of the designated hitter rule in the American League where he spent most of his career, he had nine stolen bases and nine homeruns as a pitcher.

His career almost didn’t happen. He made his MLB debut in 2004. His career was nearly derailed by his battles with depression and anxiety in 2005 and 2006. He missed most of the 2006 season. He returned in 2007 as a relief pitcher, before rejoining the starting rotation in 2008 and developing into one of the top pitchers in the game. In 2009, he appeared in the MLB All Star Game, led the major leagues in earned run average and he won the American League Cy Young Award.

A dedicated competitor often described as unique in his talent and demeanor by teammates, Greinke is a six-time All Star and six-time Gold Glove winner.[2]He is almost assured to be a first ballot Hall of Fame member.

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Quote of the Day: “It’s important to see each of these family members as part of a nationwide network of people intimately affected by gun violence. It’s one that is growing each day.” Brett Cross, the uncle of Uvalde victim Uziyah Garcia, 10, who was raising him as a son.  

Orchid of the Day: The citizens of Uvalde. They still have a long way to go.

Onion of the Day: The bureaucracy that continues to withhold answers from the citizens of Uvalde.

Question of the Day: If not Tina Turner. who is the GOAT.

Video of the Day:

Tina Turner – The Best (Live from Arnhem, Netherlands) – YouTube

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