Thoughts for the Day, May 31, 2023: My bet is in jeopardy

Going into this week, I was feeling good about by $50 bet on the Tigers to win 70 or more games this season. They were one game below five hundred with 25 wins and 26 loses.  The equates to 79 wins over the course of a 162-game season. 

How things have changed in 24 hours.  Yesterday, the Tigers placed their number one starter Eduardo Rodriquez and outfielder Matt Vierling on the 15-day and 10-day disabled lists. Prior to the start of today’s game, they announced that their hottest player, Riley Greene, has a stress fracture in his left leg.  Rodriquez and Green are both expected to be out for one to two months. 

We will see what kind of character this team has.  If today’s 3-2 victory over the division leading Texas Rangers means anything, I am confident the Tigers will fight through the adversity and continue to compete for the Central Division title.


We will know before we go to bed tonight if the House is going to do the right thing and vote their approval of suspending the debt limit for two years. Speaker McCarthy’s leadership is at stake as he takes on the conservative House Freedom Caucus members, who do not support the McCarthy negotiated deal. At the same time, many progressive Democrats do not support the deal Biden negotiated. 

Compromise has become a four-letter word it politics and the financial integrity of the United States may suffer because of it.  Let’s hope not.


Per Bridge Magazine, Michigan’s colleges and universities suffered enrollment drops four times steeper than the nation this year, according to new data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. And the decline was not a one-year aberration. Since 2019, the year before COVID-19 hit the U.S., only Alaska and Mississippi reported bigger drop offs in college-going levels than Michigan, according to the research center. 

Spring enrollment this year fell 2.2 percent over 2022. Nationally, college enrollment dropped 0.5 percent over that same period.

Overall college enrollment in the state this spring stood at 417,216, down more than 75,000 students from 2019, meaning Michigan is still at 85 percent of 2019 levels, ranking 48th among U.S. states. 

The latest numbers underscore the headwinds Michigan faces in its effort to expand the state’s economy and population. It is going to be a major challenge for this state to address this very critical issue.


Yesterday, I did something that I have never done before.  I turned on the central air in a home I owned. I have owned a home since 1976, but I have never owned a home that had central air.  It was window air conditioners or nothing at all until we added central air to our condo last fall. It was a simple thing that I greatly appreciated being able to do.  

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Quote of the Day:  “I just think of it like a person, when something bad goes on in your life. If you spend the next 48 hours dwelling on it, pouting about it, being pissed about it, in 48 hours, that same situation is there. … At the same time, we have to collect ourselves and figure out a different way. This is going to get better as guys get healthier.” Tiger manager A.J. Hinch in response to the rash of injuries that the Tigers incurred in the last 48 hours.

Orchid of the Day: Tiger Manager A.J. Hinch for staying calm and positive when things are falling apart all around him. 

Onion of the Day:  Putin. It has been 462 days since he first invaded Ukraine.

Question of the Day: What is Putin’s end game? How many lives will be lost? How many more families will be displaced? 

Image of the Day: Bono, Jagger, Fergie “Give me Shelter”

1 thought on “Thoughts for the Day, May 31, 2023: My bet is in jeopardy

  1. Frank Wagner

    Tom: Today the blog far exceeded the horizontal screen on my computer. I don’t know if you changed anything or whether something changed on my end.

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