Thoughts for the Day, November 13, 2023: Five more days until shutdown and the hat-trick for Michigan’s Sherrone Moore.

Between now and Friday November 17, four days, we will find out if the new speaker of the house can lead, or is he just another right-wing extremist who only knows how to say no.  The right-wing extremist of the Republican party have shut down the House of Representatives for 2 weeks. Are they going to shut down the government as we enter the busiest travel week of the year.  This is getting old.


Saturday was Veterans Day. A day we honor our veterans for putting their lives on the line so that we may live in freedom.  I think having a national holiday is nice gesture, but if we really wanted to honor our veterans, congress and the president, should consider giving all veterans who have received an honorable discharge or died while serving our country, the same exact benefits that members of congress and the president receive for the life of the veteran. The benefits would also be available to the veterans’ spouses and dependent children. This is not too much to ask for someone who was willing to give up their life for their country.


On Saturday the media was full of punches, and counterpunches related to Michigan’s sign stealing.  The arguments were using terms such as due process, innocent until proven guilty, not fair, premature decisions, don’t rush to judgement, no legal authority, etc., etc.  Everyone on both sides was acting like the issues were part of a criminal proceeding. 

I just chuckled at it all.  My opinion on the issue is well known to the readers of the blog.  However, this is not a legal issue.  This is a sporting event involving a school that is part of the B1G and the NCAA.  These organizations are not part of the justice system, so they do not have to play by the rules of our justice system.  It was just like growing up in the Biggs household. I could complain all I wanted, but if my mom or dad handed out the punishment for something I was alleged to have done but could not be proven, I had to accept the punishment whether it was fair or not.

Think of Michigan as the sibling who is acting up and the other sibling, OSU, tattles to mommy (The B1G) and daddy (the NCAA) what Michigan did.  If mommy or daddy wants to hand out punishment, whether fair or not, sibling Michigan must live with it, or leave home and be on its own. There is no appeal to a higher court.  However, sibling OSU, should be expecting payback from sibling Michigan which is also not part of the justice system.


Yesterday, Leah and I did something we probably shouldn’t be doing at our age.  Our granddaughter Alexis, 15, was part of the production team for the Ann Arbor Theater Guild’s presentation of the The Addams Family. We left Petoskey at 9 AM, made the 2:00 PM show, met with our granddaughter after the show for a few minutes, had dinner with our son Chris, and stopped by to see Katy and her kids in Brighton to catch the end of the Lions’ game. We finally made it back to Petoskey by 11 PM.  I was extremely tired.

It was worth every minute.  The play far exceeded my expectations. The costumes, the set, the production, the sound system, and the quality of the actors, actresses, orchestra, and dancers was outstanding. It was hard to believe that it was just high school students doing all the singing, dancing, acting and music. 


On Saturday, Michigan’s Interim Head Coach, Sherrone Moore, accomplished something that no one in the history of this blog has ever accomplished. He will be getting the first ever “hat-trick”. He gets my Orchid of the Day, Onion of the Day, and Quote of the Day. I could also give him the Video of the Day, but this is a family-oriented blog, so I do not like to include a video with two f-bombs and a s**t in it. See the following.

Orchid of the Day: U of M interim head coach and offensive coordinator, Sherrone Moore, his ability to recognize that Penn State’s front seven on defense were more than Michigan’s pass blocking could handle and adjust the gameplan early in the second quarter. Moore decided to abandon the pass game and ram the ball down PSU’s throats for the final 37 minutes of the game by calling over 30 run plays in a row. It was genius from my perspective.  Moore realized that the only way PSU could beat Michigan was if Michigan committed turnovers, which was not likely to happen with Michigan’s two running backs. In all my years of watching football, I do not recall ever seeing a team not throw a pass for the last 38 minutes of the game.

Quote of the Day: I thank the Lord, I want to thank Coach Harbaugh, I f**king love you, man, love the s**t out of you, man.  Did this for you, this university, the president, our AD. We got the best players, the best university, the best alumni in the country. I love you guys, these f**king guys right now, these guys right here, man.” Sherrone Moore being interviewed on live TV by Jenny Taft of Fox Sports, immediately following the win over PSU.  The look on Taft’s face was priceless.

Onion of the Day: Sherrone Moore for above quote on live TV following Michigan’s win over PSU on Saturday.

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Quote of the Day: Sherrone Moore

Orchid of the Day: Sherrone Moore

Onion of the Day:  Sherrone Moore

Question of the Day: Will the FCC punish Fox for allowing the two f-bombs to be said on live television?

Image/Video of the Day:

The Lion’s David Montgomery’s 75-yard TD run.  Watch the down field blocking by the Lions receivers, especially # 9 Jameson Williams. Williams’ speed is world class as shown by how fast he was able to pull ahead of Mongomery to get the block to allow Montgomery to go in for the score.