Thoughts for the Day, November 14, 2022: Seven university students dead in 24 hours

Devin Chandler, left, Lavel Davis Jr. and D’Sean Perry.Credit…the three University of Virginial football players who lost their lives on Sunday in a shooting on campus as they were returning home from a field trip.

Seven university students were murdered in the last 24 hours.  Three University of Virginia football players were murdered and two injured as they returned home from a team field trip Sunday evening.  Four University of Idaho students were murdered in a home near the campus in what authorities are preliminary calling a crime of passion.


It didn’t take long for the leadership of the Michigan Republican Party to start the blame game following Tuesday’s unprecedented defeat.  First there was a letter within the party leadership, blaming Tudor Dixon for the loss of both the House and Senate.  Then there was the announcement today by some state lawmakers that they are starting a “Grand New Party” PAC because the Michigan GOP is too passive and too timid in our state. 

On a national level, it is official that the Democrats will control the Senate, while the House is leaning toward a Republican majority.  Who wins the Speaker of the House for the Republicans is going to be a dogfight, with Kevin McCarthy trying to hang on to the position as the conservative Freedom Caucus is forming opposition to McCarthy. 

President Biden campaigned on a promise to bring our country together and to work across the aisle of Congress.  Now that it looks like the Republicans will control the House, we will see how well he does as he tries to get his legislation passed with a Republican controlled House.


On Friday, I watched with great interest the basketball game between Eastern Michigan and U of M, which was switched from U of M to Little Caesar Arena in Detroit.  Both teams were paid fees to switch the venue by 313 Presents.  The game featured top 25 ranked Michigan and 18-yearold Emoni Bates who was playing his first game for EMU since transferring from Memphis. The game didn’t disappoint.  Bates played an outstanding game. Most important he played within the offense and didn’t take wild shots.  He had a career high 30 points as Eastern led most of the game, but withered in the end as U of M made some half time defensive adjustments and started pounding the ball into their all-American center, Hunter Dickinson.  Dickinson scored 31 points and U of M hit their foul shots down the stretch to secure the win.  Based on what I saw, Washtenaw County is going to have two successful basketball programs this season.


Never in all my years, have I ever seen a stranger two minutes of football than occurred in the final two minutes of regulation in the Buffalo Bill/Minnesota Vikings game yesterday.  The Vikings somehow prevailed in OT to snap victory from the jaws of defeat.  Here are some of the craziness that occurred.

  1. Justin Jefferson made the greatest catch I have ever seen to convert a fourth and 18 for the Vikings. See my Video of the Day
  2. A Viking incomplete pass is negated by an interference call, giving the Vikings first and goal.
  3. On first and goal, the Minnesota right guard stepped on his own QB’s foot causing a four-yard loss.
  4. On third down, a run up the middle is ruled a touchdown putting the Vikings ahead by 3, but it is overruled by replay and the ball is downed on one-foot line.
  5. On fourth down, a Viking run play is stopped but the Bills were called for offsides, giving the Vikings the ball on the six-inch line.
  6. On their second fourth down play, a quarterback sneak by the Vikings is stuffed at the line. After a replay review, the play is confirmed and the Bills take over with a four point lead and 50 seconds to go in the game.
  7. On first down on the six-inch line, the Bills’ QB fumbles the snap and the Vikings recover in the end-zone to take a three point lead. After a replay review, it is confirmed that the Vikings recovered the ball in the end zone for a touchdown. Whether the Bills were going to take a safety to protect the lead is an unanswered question.
  8. Following the kickoff, the Bills start on the 25-yard line with 43 seconds to go. They complete two passes in a row while also getting out of bounds to stop the clock.
  9. On the third play, the Bills player makes a diving catch that looks like the ball hits the ground, but the refs rule it a catch.  The Bills smartly line up and complete another pass to get them into field goal position, before the replay official can notify the officials on the field that the previous play was an incomplete pass and should have been overruled.

10.The Bills kick a game tying field goal as time expires.

The Vikings won in overtime by kicking a field goal and then stopping the Bills from scoring.  The OT was anti-climatic after what happened in the last two minutes of regulation. If a movie script was written with what happened in the last two minutes of the game, no one would believe a game could happen that way.


Although I try to write my blog every day, sometimes life gets in the way or I just choose not to write it.  The last week has been hit and this week will be no better.  Bear with me.

Please feel free to share my blog.

Elections Matter. Pray for peace and tolerance. What are you doing to stop the violence

Quote of the Day: “This is a message any leader hopes never to have to send, and I am devastated that this violence has visited the University of Virginia,” University of Virginia president Jim Ryan.

Orchid of the Day: The Detroit Lions for their first road win in two years yesterday in Chicago against The Bears.

Onion of the Day:  The Michigan Republican Party for blaming Tudor Dixon for the poor showing of the party.  Maybe the problem was the candidates that the party nominated?

Question of the Day: Are you tired of the violence yet?

Video/Image of the Day: Justin Jefferson’s catch against the Bills

2 thoughts on “Thoughts for the Day, November 14, 2022: Seven university students dead in 24 hours

  1. Brian Hickey

    TB- I hope you realize how many people such as I enjoy going to sleep at night after reading your insights. I find that your topics are always timely and your commentary is well thought out. I detected a SAD tone in your final item today re: frequency of your posts. Not sure if you also get thrown off by the shorter days and lack of sunshine, but that always sends me into a bit of a funk and I go underground or lose focus easily.
    I hope that I am wrong and that you and the lovely Leah are just crazy busy getting ready for Turkey Day and family gatherings. Regardless of how I may have interpreted your statement, I feel like I have done a good job keeping tabs on you because of your blog and it brings me much joy to do so. Thanks for the effort (and I know it is quite an effort some days) and putting your feelings on the line. Best to you both. Brian

    • Thomasdbiggs Post author

      I really appreciate your comments. Writing the blog is a great joy. There are so many benefits to me. Since I do most of the writing after dinner, sometimes life’s little things just get in the way from making it happen. The mass murders and gun violence are especially hard for Leah and me. It makes me sad and angry. It also brings back memories and emotions. Since Leah’s mom was murdered in 1975, every mass murder stirs up our emotions. The senselessness of the act, the sadness for the families knowing that their lives will never be the same. Time heals some wounds, but it doesn’t heal all wounds. Unfortunately, we are increasingly being faced with mass murders and no one has the guts to make the difficult decisions or commit the resources needed to reduce them.

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