Thoughts for the Day, November 30, 2023: He was larger than life.

It is fitting that Herry Kissinger lived to be 100 before his passing yesterday.  During the late 60s and 70s, he was larger than life.  He was more powerful, and more respected, than the presidents he served.  I envied his intelligence and his ability to make things happen on the world stage.  His impact on the world during those times was second to none. He had many distractors because of the position he took on things, but he didn’t seem to care what others thought of him.  He did what he thought was right, and he was trusted to do what he said he was going to do.  He was trusted to deliver, and he did. Next to Ali, he was probably the most recognizable person on the planet during the late 60s and 70s.


Last night I decided to watch the Detroit Pistons for the first time this year.  They were playing the Lakers, who were playing their second game in back-to-back nights.  The Lakers lost to the Nuggets by 44 in the worse loss in LeBron James history on Tuesday. I knew the Lakers were going to be angry.

When I turned the game on at halftime, the Pistons were down 17. If they were going to win, they needed to start the second half very strong.  That didn’t happen. In the first four minutes the Pistons had three turnovers and had six fouls called on them while the Lakers had none of each. The Laker lead ballooned to 28.  It didn’t take long for me to turn it off in disgust. 

This team is worse than advertised. If they lose tonight in their game against the Knicks in New York, they will go winless in the month of November. They do not have a clue on defense and their lazy passes on offense are an embarrassment.  The reason they have so many fouls called against them is because they are chasers on defense.  Rather than anticipating where the offense is going, they allow the offensive player to go wherever they want, and the Piston players just chase them around like puppy dogs.

This team also lacks intensity, and fight.  They do not have the will to win. They are an embarrassment to the memory of the Bad Boys and the Ben Wallace led 2004 team.

Unless things turn around quickly, changes are going to be made at the top of the organization.


One of the readers of the is blog shared with me an interesting blog about the current state of immigration in the U.S and why so many people on both sides are upset with immigration in the U.S.  I have included the full link to the blog below.  However, I wanted to share the closing paragraphs. The article is worth the time it takes to read it.

The goal of immigration advocates like myself shouldn’t be to simply engage in a short-term delaying action to frustrate any and every attempt to regulate the inflow of people. The goal should be to permanently and sustainably cement America’s status as a country that welcomes large numbers of immigrants. And that means stopping, or at least damping out, the cycle of immigration backlashes that often characterizes U.S. immigration attitudes. Right now we seem to be doing the opposite of that.

As a believer in Reagan’s “shining city on the hill” representing freedom and opportunity for all, immigration is a necessity for US growth. Big Money can hire the world’s best and Small Business can meet their labor demands with new immigrants beginning their journey in America. Done correctly, sustainable immigration makes us better.


Yesterday I mentioned that Michigan’s win over Ohio State averaged 19.1 million viewers and was the largest viewing of THE game since 2006. This compares to the following sporting events in 2023. Thank you, Dan, for sharing this info.

NCAA men’s basketball title game: 14.7 million

Kentucky Derby: 14.4 million

NBA Finals Game 5: 13.1 million

Masters final round: 12.1 million

World Series Game 5: 11.5 million

Stanley Cup Game 5: 2.7 million

There is no question that football is king in this country when it comes to television viewing.

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Quote of the Day: “There can’t be a crisis next week, my schedule is already full.” Henry Kissinger, which pretty much applied to his entire life.

Orchid of the Day: Henry Kissinger.

Onion of the Day: The Detroit Pistons

Question of the Day: If the Piston go winless for the month of November should the GM get fired?We know the coach will not because the owner just brought him in for big money.

Image/Video of the Day:  The making of the Model T.Enjoy and thanks Dan for sharing this.