Thoughts for the Day, October 17, 2023: Animal House had nothing on the House of Representatives.

Call it a circus, a cluster, a zoo, a comedy, or whatever name you desire.  Regardless of what you call it, the embarrassment of the U.S. House of Representatives’ right wing Republicans continued today as Representative Jim Jordan, the ultraconservative hard-liner from Ohio, lost a bid to be elected speaker on Tuesday and put off a second vote until Wednesday, prolonging a two-week fight that has paralyzed the chamber and exposed deep G.O.P. divisions.

Mr. Jordan, the combative co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus and a close ally of former President Donald J. Trump, fell 17 votes short of the majority he would have needed to prevail, as a determined bloc of mainstream Republicans stood against him. Mr. Jordan had initially sought to force a second vote Tuesday evening, but, struggling in the face of unyielding opposition, he called for a recess for the night and planned to hold a vote Wednesday at 11 a.m. 


Following the gruesome attack by the terrorist Hamas on Israeli citizens last week, I predicted in this blog that the unified support of Israel will start waning if Israel counter attacked and innocent Palestinian citizens, especially women and children, were killed.  As expected, now that Israel has indicated in will lay siege on Gaza and the death toll of Palestinians continue to mount, the unconditional support for Israel is being reconsidered. 

Today’s explosion at the only Christian hospital in Gaza, where hundreds were killed may be the tipping point which brings an end to Israel’s unconditional support, especially if is confirmed that it was an Israeli rocket which hit the hospital.  This is going to get ugly. 


In rereading The Ballenger Report which I posted on Monday, the comment by former Republican Congressman from Birmingham Michigan, David Trott in which he was told by then Speaker Kevin McCarthy, “not to worry about my committee work or legislating. Instead, just raise money” continues to bother me. It reinforces what my ninth-grade civics teacher told me nearly 60 years ago. She said, “the number one job of any politician is to get re-elected.” 

It has taken me a while, but it is starting to sink in. Loyalty to party leadership is more important than representing your constituents who elect you to office.


 Per the Detroit News, A federal judge on Tuesday sentenced former Michigan Republican gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley to 60 days in prison for his role in the violent Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Judge Christopher R. Cooper of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia also sentenced Kelley to one year probation after his prison term and ordered him to pay a $5,000 fine. Kelley also is to pay $500 restitution toward the $2.9 million in damage done to the Capitol building during the riot.

Kelley, 42, of Allendale was initially charged in June 2022 with four misdemeanors but after a deal with prosecutors, pleaded guilty over the summer to one federal misdemeanor crime of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds.

In a Washington, D.C. courtroom on Tuesday, Kelley stood in a tan suit and full beard and addressed the judge, saying he “owned” his “wrong” actions at the Capitol that day, and he apologized for them. “That’s not how people should act at a protest,” Kelley said.

To date, nearly 400 people have been sentenced to jail time for their roles in the January 6, insurrection, yet the big fish is still swimming freely.

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Quote of the Day: “I don’t want someone who was involved in the activities of January 6,” Republican Congressman Ken Buck of Colorado on why he did not support Jim Jordan for Speaker

Orchid of the Day: MSU men’s basketball team for being rated in the top five in the preseason basketball polls.

Onion of the Day: To whoever was responsible for the bombing of the hospital in Gaza today.

Question of the Day: Is Jim Jordan the best the Republican House can come up with for Speaker?

Video/Image of the Day:  Some old-time rock and roll.  Bob Seger , Heavy Music

2 thoughts on “Thoughts for the Day, October 17, 2023: Animal House had nothing on the House of Representatives.

  1. Douglas S. Caldwell

    Congressmen like Tlaib is an embarrassment to our senses. She believes the mis-reporting of Hamas bombing of hospital plus the alleged loss of life that was inflated. Michigan should be embarrassed. Tlaib knows better but she incites others (Palestine loyalists) who here in the United States and elsewhere support the terror and dastardly deeds Hamas has done in Israel. Why doesn’t she believe the visual evidence? It doesn’t fit the narrative she wants to promote–destroy Israel and the Jews. I am sure we should lump Talib into the same Jan. 6th disaster as Trump. She’s a disgrace to Michigan and the United States!

    • Thomasdbiggs Post author

      Unfortunately, we are stuck with Talib. Her act plays well in her district which covers the largest Arab community in our country. I do not think she cares what the facts are, she is going to view them as she sees fit. She is part of the radical left which along with the radical right are demonizing the center and dividing our country. I try to ignore her. I do not think she will ever garner any national power because of what she says and who she pisses off.

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