Thoughts for the Day, October 19, 2022: A good start for Jaden Ivey

My post on Monday about the new Sky Bridge at Boyne Mountain drew many positive comments.  One of the best came from my friend Jeff Hamal who sent me the above picture of the Sky Bridge from afar with incredible fall colors in the background.


Inflation continues to roar after being dormant for nearly 30 years. This version of inflation will be hard to fight because it is a battle that needs to be waged on two fronts.  The first is a worldwide problem of which the U.S federal reserve has no control. This inflation is centered around the oil shortage because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the OPEC+ decision to cut production as well as the continued supply chain shortages caused by the pandemic.  The second front is limited to the U.S. and was caused primarily by the large influx of money into the system to offset the economic impact of inflation, and the labor shortage and reluctance of workers to take just any job causing companies to raise wages to attract and retain employees.

There is no quick fix and there are many opinions on how best to solve it.  Hopefully, the federal reserve will do what is best for the country and not politicize the process. In the meantime, get used to higher prices that will continue to rise for the next year or so.


I am excited for the Pistons and Red Wings this winter. It looks like their rebuilds will begin to pay dividends this year.  Neither may make the playoffs, but they will be playing meaningful games at the end of the season. The Red Wings have taken 5 out of 6 points in their first three games. I am especially excited about the Piston, especially Jaden Ivey, their first-round draft choice from Purdue. Ivey has something you cannot coach, which is breakaway speed and world class athleticism.  His grandfather played for the Lions in late 70s and early 80s and his mom, is the current women’s basketball coach at Notre Dame and a former WNBA player and a former NBA assistant coach. 


Putin seems to be desperate.  This last weekend he upped the ante by using over 80 drones to distribute terror bombs throughout Ukraine, causing major power outages.  It appears he is doing this to offset his problems on the homebase where he is cracking down on dissidents while he continues the draft of young adult males.  Since February, I have yet to understand Putin’s motives for invading Ukraine.  Maybe someone can explain it to me.


This will be my last week in Petoskey as I head back to Ypsilanti on Monday.  It looks like the weather is going to cooperate. I plan on golfing everyday for the remainder of the week.  Golfing during the fall color change while overlooking Little Traverse Bay is as good as it gets.

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Elections Matter. Pray for peace and tolerance. What are you doing to stop the violence and mass killings? 

Quote of the Day: “I’m gonna say this the history and story of Jaden is unbelievable. It’s like a fairy tale. Even from me, and I’ve been in (the league) a long time. To understand his grandfather played here, his dad went to high school here, his mom played in the WNBA here, successful college coach right now, it’s beyond belief. And like (general manager) Troy (Weaver) said, the good Lord wanted him here.”  Piston Coach Dwane Casey

Orchid of the Day:  The Detroit Pistons for winning their season opener tonight against the Orlando Magic.

Onion of the Day:  The high winds that created waves nearing 20 feet on Lake Michigan.  Watching the waves rolling into the shoreline is breathtaking, ominous, and scary.  Lake freighters and other boats were told to stay in port if possible.

Question of the Day: With only four teams left, who do you feel will win the World Series? Padres, Phillies, Yankees, or Astros?

Video/Image of the Day: In case you missed it.