Thoughts for the Day, October 24, 2023: Ground Hog Day in October

The clown show is now in day 20 and going strong. After winning the nomination for speaker earlier today, Tom Emmer has chosen to withdrawal just hours after securing the nomination.  He had no chance of being elected, but then again who does? The party of no continues to prove they cannot govern.  

Quote of the Day: “Our conference has been essentially at war with itself. Most of the country’s concerned about inflation, what they’re experiencing at the grocery store, and they would like to see Congress stand up and act like adults,”   Republican representative Brandon Williams of New York, who represents a district won by President Biden. He called the situation “disheartening” and reminiscent of the movie “Groundhog Day.”


“I have many wonderful friends wanting to be Speaker of the House, and some are truly great Warriors.  RINO Tom Emmer, who I do not know well, is not one of them. He never respected the Power of a Trump Endorsement, or the breadth and scope of MAGA — MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”  The former president.

Me, Me, Me!!!!!!!!!!  Since November 2020, I have tried to ignore anything and everything the former president has said.  However, when I read the above today regarding Republican speaker nominee, Tom Emmer, my stomach starting churning and my blood pressure started to rise.  The quote epitomizes what the former president is all about.  He is about me, me, me. 

If you don’t bow down and kiss his ass, you are a nothing to him.  His power over a large portion of Republican party is mindboggling.  I will never understand why.


Despite losing 62 0f 63 court cases in which the former president and his cronies tried to say the 2020 election was stolen,  I find it alarming that six of the eight Republican members of the house seeking the speaker’s position voted to not certify the 2020 presidential election.  None of the six have denounced their vote to not certify the 2020 presidential election since then.  It is ironic that Tom Emmer is one of two speaker candidates who did certify the 2020 presidential election.  When are the majority Republican members of the house going to stand up and say we are not going to take it anymore?


ESPN released a second article yesterday outlining the lengths that Michigan assistant coach, Connor Stallions, went to purchase tickets for opponents’ games and have someone record the coaches signaling plays from the sidelines to the players on the field.  According to the NCAA this is in direct violation of its rules which is why Michigan is once again under NCAA investigation.

None other than American Football Coaches Association executive director Todd Berry, had this to say. In an interview with ESPNBerry’s frustration built slowly over the course of a half-hour conversation, starting with mild annoyance over coaches’ shenanigans and ending with outright anger over the NCAA’s inability to take up the solution staring them in the face. “This is too easy a problem to solve,”

ESPN quoted another industry source as follows which indicated we don’t have to live in a world with signals. It is not necessary. “It’s 10:56 right now.  They could call CoachComm” — which produces headsets for nearly all of the FBS — “and have this fixed by 11. They could overnight helmet speakers to every school by the end of the day.”

I am not condoning ignoring the rules. Connor Stallions and Michigan should be held accountable.  I am however pointing out, one more time, the incompetence of the NCAA. It is an organization whose time has passed.  They continue to operate with their heads in the sand and have rules that do not keep up with the ever-changing world in which they operate. The rule is absurd and unenforceable as there are so many ways a team can record an opposing team’s signals without being in violation of the NCAA rule.  As I said previously, it is common practice for NFL NBA, MLB, and high school teams to have scouts in the stands of future opponents with recording devices in hand.  There are so many high tech alternatives to hand signals, such as those used in the NFL and MLB. I am old school. We used to send in plays by rotating players and having one of the players bringing in the play call from the coaches.

The NCAA is an organization who just three years ago, promoted women sports equality, and then provided training facilities for women in the NCAA basketball tournament that were significantly inferior to what was provided the men.  It took a brave member of one of the women’s teams to point this out on social media.

This is also the same organization who thought it was OK to allow a former member of the Penn men’s swimming team for three years compete as a transgender member of the Penn women’s team just two years later.  As a woman, she broke world records and defeated a former NCAA champion and Olympic gold medal winner.  The NCAA didn’t see anything wrong with this decision.


The Texas Rangers surprised most and have punched their ticket to the World Series as the American League champion.  The Rangers did something in a seven-game series that I do not recall ever happening.  They lost all three of their home games but won all four of their away games at the Astros’ stadium.


A big shout out to Ann Mihaiu who is the wife of my best friend George.  Ann was today named the Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce Small Business “Person of the Year” for the work she does with George as owner of the Fort Lauderdale Media Associates, Inc.  She will be honored at a November 17 dinner and salute by the Chamber of Commerce. Ann gets my Orchid of the Day.

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Quote of the Day: See above.

Orchid of the Day: Ann Mihaiu, see above story.

Onion of the Day: It is getting old but the Republican members of the House of Representatives continue to deserve an onion.

Question of the Day:  Now what?

Video/Image of the Day:  So appropriate.