Thoughts for the Day, October 27, 2020: One week to go and then what?

Listening to the news this evening, Erin Burnett of CNN was highlighting the contrast of President Trump’s multiple campaign rallies in Wisconsin today while at the same time Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers was asking Wisconsin residents to mask up, social distance and act responsibly to get Covid-19 under control in the state where the number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have exploded in the last month. I ask, which of these two leaders has the best interest of the citizens of Wisonsin in mind with their leadership today?

As of today over 61 million people have opted for early voting. In 2016 there were 136 million votes in the presidential election. Thus 61 million represents 45% of the total votes cast in the 2016 presidential ballot, with a week to go for early votes to be recognized for counting. In Florida, well over 50% of the registered voters have taken advantage of early voting. This is amazing consindering in most presidential races only 60% of those elgible to vote actually vote. The genie is out of the bottle when it comes to early voting. Get used to it.

From MLive today, Washtenaw County’s top law enforcement official has been selected to serve on a national council dedicated to addressing police reforms and race issues between police and the communities they serve. Washtenaw County Sheriff Jerry L. Clayton announced Monday, Oct. 26 that he has been selected to serve on the National Police Foundation’s recently created Council on Policing Reforms and Race, a non-profit non-partisan organization dedicated to improving policing throughout the United States. Of the recent groups I have been honored to join, I think I am most humbled to have been asked to join the work of the Council on Policing Reforms and Race,” Clayton said. “I am excited about the potential impact this group can have on one of our most critical and pressing national issues. The intersection of public safety, police services reform and race.” I have casually known Sheriff Clayton for the past 30 years. He is perfect for this group. He is fair, he is straightforward, and he is not afraid to make tough decisions.

I still get excited thinking about the attempted steal of home by Tampa Bay Ray Manny Margot. Based on watching the play live and watching the replay at least 20 times, I am convinced Margot’s chances of success were at least 95% when he took off from third. It took a whole bunch of things to fall in place for pitcher Kershaw and catcher Barnes get Margot out at home. I said it last night and I will say it again, the straight steal of home is the most exciting play in baseball.