Thoughts for the Day, October 28, 2022: The political violence is out of hand

Quote of the Day:

“He was protecting the very essence of democracy, the peaceful transfer of power after a democratic election. He was protecting America.” Judge Amy Berman Jackson said of Officer Fanone during the January 6, Capitol insurrection. Judge Jackson told Mr. Cosper Head that he had treated Mr. Fanone as his “prey” and as a “trophy” by bragging aloud as he grabbed the officer around his neck and essentially displayed him to crowd.


I am so tired of the violence in this country, especially the political violence and the mass murders. 

Today’s attack on Paul Pelosi, is an extension of the kidnapping plot against Governor Whitmer, and the January 6 insurrection. The person who attacked Paul Pelosi in his home at 2AM was shouting, “where’s Nancy, where’s Nancy?”

This week alone, three men were found guilty in the kidnapping plot against Governor Whitmer and a Tennessee man, Cosper Head was sentenced on Thursday to seven and a half years in prison for dragging a police officer protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, into an angry pro-Trump crowd that brutally assaulted the officer.

Per the NY. Times, Cosper Head, pleaded guilty in March to assaulting officer Michael Fanone. On Thursday he was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for dragging a police officer protecting the Capitol on January 6 into an angry pro-Trump crowd that brutally assaulted officer Fanone.

As part of his plea, Mr. Head, a 43-year-old construction worker, admitted that during the violence outside the Capitol, he grabbed Mr. Fanone around the neck and told the crowd around him, “I got one!” Mr. Head then forcibly hauled Mr. Fanone down the Capitol steps and into the mob, where he was beaten, kicked and attacked with a stun gun. Some in the crowd tried to strip Mr. Fanone of his service weapon as one rioter threatened to kill him with his own gun.

Appearing as a witness at a sentencing hearing in Federal District Court in Washington, Mr. Fanone, who has since left the police force, told Judge Amy Berman Jackson that he wanted Mr. Head to face the maximum penalty for the assault. He added that he wanted Judge Jackson to show Mr. Head the same amount of mercy that Mr. Head had shown him on Jan. 6, saying that was “none.”

Judge Jackson excoriated Mr. Head from the bench, calling the assault “horrific” and telling the defendant that his case was one of the most serious Jan. 6 criminal matters that she had handled. See above Quote of the Day.

The political violence is only going to get worse if Donald Trump and the MAGA extremist continue to have power within the Republican Party. The MAGA world, promotes hate and will attempt to trample anyone who doesn’t agree with them or gets in their way, including their own vice president.

During this election cycle, the MAGA candidates with Trump’s backing are spewing in their campaigns that they stand for law and order, and they are the party that supports law enforcement. The hypocrisy of these campaigns makes me want to puke.  It reminds me of President Nixon and Vice President Agnew who ran on a platform of bringing law and order to the country, only to have both resign because of their total disregard for the laws that they took an oath to uphold.

The country is heading back to the 60’s when political assassinations were common in this country (JFK, MLK, RFK, and George Wallace) and violence in the streets was an everyday occurrence, (Watts, Detroit, Chicago, Newark, etc.). 

It is time for the true centrists and true conservatives of the Republican Party to wake up and take a stand. MAGA does not represent conservatives.  MAGA represents Donald Trump. MAGA is loyal to Trump.  Trump is only loyal to Trump. If the Republican Party doesn’t cleanse itself of Donald Trump and his supporters, the attack on Paul Pelosi, the attempted kidnapping of Governor Whitmer, and the January 6 insurrection, are going to be nothing compared to what will happen in the future.

The time is now. Enough is enough.


Below are two videos which show what can happen when people of all colors, ages, ethnicity and political persuasion come together for a common cause for the betterment of others.  This is what could happen if our politicians decided to work together for the greater good.  Enjoy the Videos of the Day

Please feel free to share my blog.

Elections Matter. Pray for peace and tolerance. What are you doing to stop the violence and mass killings? 

Quote of the Day: See above from Judge Amy Berman Jackson

Orchid of the Day: Judge Amy Berman Jackson

Onion of the Day: The idiot who attacked Paul Pelosi

Question of the Day: MSU or Michigan State on Saturday?

Video/Image of the Day:

3 thoughts on “Thoughts for the Day, October 28, 2022: The political violence is out of hand

  1. Wanda

    I wonder how many comments will comment on the question of the day leaves us no choice

  2. Jeffrey Hamal

    You nailed it; however, the electorate is still oblivious to how close the MAGA crowd came to destroying our democracy. Returning leadership of the House and Senate to Republicans is tantamount to putting the “fox in charge of the hen house.” Jeff

    • Thomasdbiggs Post author

      Thank you so much for your comments. Needless to say, I wrote the post with emotion. I have yet to figure out how smart people cannot not see Trump and MAGA for what they represent. It is frightening.

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