Thoughts for the Day, October 5, 2020: Leaders or followers? The arrogance of it all.

As I reflect back on last week and the debate and then President Trump, Melania and 6 others coming down with Covid-19 after attending the ceremony and celebration of the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, I have two thoughts. One, are the people attending the ceremony leaders or followers?. Two, the arrogance of it all.

This event is now classified as a super spreader event. It happened because the supposed leaders in attendance did not have the intestinal fortitude to speak up and say no to a president who was desparate to have the ceremony as a way to play to his base.

Senators Mike Lee and Thom Tillis, did not have the guts to say no this is not the right thing to do. Former Governor Chris Christi, did not have the guts to say say no. The same for Kellyanne Conway and Melania Trump.

The one that really shocks me is The Reverend John Jenkins, the President of the University of Notre Dame, who recently closed the university to in classroom classes primarily as a result of recent outbreaks on campus caused by 18-22 year olds doing what they do. The audacity of the double standard is amazing to me. He has subsequently apologized to the university for his behavior and lack of judgement.

An now to the arrogance of it all.

At a time when families cannot say goodbye to loved ones who passed, when funerals are not permitted, when graduation ceremonies are not permitted, when wedding receptions are not permitted, the President and his team went ahead with the ceremony and subsequent reception without regard to social distancing or requiring a mask.

At a time when, grandparents have gone months without hugging their grandchildren, when the elderly in nursing homes cannot have contact with their loved ones. When schools are not allowing in classroom classes, the President and his team went ahead with the ceremony.

This ceremony and subsequent celebaration is a major slap in the face to all of us who have made tremendous sacrifices in the last 6 months to help control the spread of this virus. It is a slap in the face to the front-line workers, the health care providers, the public safety officers and the EMT first responders. It is another example of how there is a certain segment of society who feel they are above the rules and regulations that apply to the common every day citizen.

When it is all said and done, if anyone dies as a result of this super spreader event, I ask that the President and his team be held responsibile, upto and including legal action.

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