Thoughts for the Day, October 6, 2020: Keep it Simple

I am so disappointed in the political leaders of our state for all the confusion on what to do during this pandemic. While they are fighting over emergency powers, supreme court decisions, executive orders, etc. they have forgot about serving the public during this pandemic. In the meantime, 22 people died today of the virus and over 900 became infected. Why is it so impossible to just say that the State of Michigan is going to follow CDC guidelines and do the following three things to keep everyone safe.

  1. Make face coverings mandatory if you are 5 years and older and you are outside your home interacting with people other than your immediate family. This means anywhere outside your home.
  2. Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer regularly.
  3. Social distance whenever feasible, even if you are wearing a mask.

Forgot about what businesses can open or not. Let them all open. Don’t worry about public gatherings, let them happen. Quit having different rules for different regions of the state.

As long as an activity can be done while wearing a mask or social distancing let it happen. If it cannot be done while wearing a mask or social distancing it shouldn’t happen.

I am asking Governor Whitmer, Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, and Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield to get together with the scientist and come up with simple rules that apply to all citizens of Michigan until we put this pandemic behind us. The political infighting is killing us to the tune of about 15 to 20 people per day.

1 thought on “Thoughts for the Day, October 6, 2020: Keep it Simple

  1. John Clark

    All of your pre-emptive suggestions above will not prevent spread of COVID-19.. it does lower chances of contacting disease.

    Problem in Michigan and New York .. among other States is Politicians’ making personal decisions that are emotionally driven .. rather than based in common sense .

    Whitmer was elected by Michigan’s Voters; possibly an errant choice in Leadership

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