Thoughts for the Day, October 7, 2020: A mute button will be in order. Eddie Van Halen, was there anyone better?

As I am writing this, I am listening to the vice presidential debate. Both candidates are being very civil to each other which is a welcome relief following the first presidential debate a week ago Tuesday. However, both candidates, Pence more so than Harris, are not honoring the time limits the moderator is imposing on them. The moderator is trying her best, but she needs a mute button.

Besides the talking past their time limits, both candidates are doing a commendable job of making their case for the election, however, answering the question of the moderator’s is not happening very often, if at all.

A mute button is definitely in order. the moderator just said “thank you Mr. Vice President” 6 times as she tried to get VP Pence to honor the time limit. The moderator is now lecturing VP Pence that he is not following the rules that both parties agreed to abide by. The moderator is getting upset.

This debate is no longer a debate. It is about getting in your talking points regardless of the question that was asked. Spend 105 seconds getting in your talking points and maybe 15 seconds answering the question.

Senator Harris is doing a good job of not interrupting. Vice President Pence is trying, but.

I have to say it is much more productive listening to the dabate rather than watching it. At least I am getting my blog finished.

I finish this blog with a tribute to Eddie Van Halen, who died of cancer yesterday. Van Halen is without a doubt one of the greatest guitar players in the history. Here is a you tube video tribute to Eddie Van Halen performing my favorite Van Halen song.