Thoughts for the Day on this Broderick Crawford Day (ten-four): An infamous 24 hours.

I am still trying to make sense of what happened in our illustrious House of Representatives yesterday with the ouster of Speaker McCarthy. It is a struggle. Here is my simple view of what has transpired.

A small faction of eight Republicans were pissed at McCarthy because he negotiated an agreement with the majority of both Republican and Democrat members of the House to prevent the shutdown of the government and keep the government running without interruption.

The eight Republicans decided that McCarthy was not their man for the Speaker’s job, so they called for a vote to remove McCarthy as Speaker of the House.

The eight Republicans joined by every Democrat voted for the removal of McCarthy as Speaker, even though all but eight Republicans supported McCarthy. Thus, McCarthy became the first Speaker to ever be removed from office in our country’s history. (Politics can make for strange bedfellows)

    The Speaker’s position is now vacant and to top it off, the House adjourned and will not be back in session until next Tuesday October 10.

    There does not appear to be a Republican who has the support within the Republican party to garner enough votes to be elected Speaker. Thus, history is going to repeat itself as we will probably have at least 15 votes before the Republicans can decide on a Speaker of the House.  

    Now that I have written it down in a simple form it is all starting to make sense to me. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    We avoided a government shutdown, but rather than taking a deep breath and celebrating a small victory of bipartisanship, Representative Gaetz, while still hurting from his defeat, placed the blame of his defeat on everyone but himself. He blamed the head coach of his team, Speaker McCarthy, for not playing the game the way that Gaetz thought it should have been played. Thinking he was the star of the team; Goetz decided it was time for the coach to be fired so he called for a vote.

    The Democrats, seeing an opportunity to legally pile on and crush McCarthy, decided to get in bed with Gaetz and his underlings and vote for McCarthy’s ouster.  Rather than dancing with the devil they know, the Democrats have decided to dance with the devil they don’t know.

    Thus within 48 hours after avoiding a government shutdown, the majority of the House of Representatives decided to do something that has never been done before which is remove the Speaker of the House.

    Every time I think we cannot sink any lower, I get surprised, and we sink deeper into the muck.  My fear is that we are going to sink so deep that a rescue is not possible.  


    Unfortunately, there are many state, county and city politicians who are watching what happened in the House this week, and they are going to be emboldened to think they can do the same as Gaetz at the state, county, and city levels when they do not get their way.  It is only going to worse before it gets better.

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    Quote of the Day: “You cannot make this shit up because no one would believe you”. An observer of our politics.

    Orchid of the Day: Not feeling it today.

    Onion of the Day: The House of Representatives

    Question of the Day: At what point do we say enough is enough and quit allowing the extremists to dictate how our country is governed?

    Video/Image of the Day:  When in doubt I always go back to Susan Boyle to lift my spirits.