Thoughts for the Day, September 20, 2023: Senate Says Screw You Tommy Tuberville

Here is the letter sent to Senator Tommy Tuberville from Ryan Gallucci, Executive Director, VFW Washington Office.

September 18, 2023

The Honorable Tommy Tuberville

455 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Tuberville:

On behalf of the 1.5 million members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) and its Auxiliary, I write to call on you to lift your hold on the routine promotion of U.S. military general and flag officers. One of the VFW’s top national security priorities is preserving the all-volunteer force. At a time of military recruiting challenges, the instability caused by this hold will have far-reaching consequences for the brave Americans who volunteer to serve in today’s military and those who may consider future military service. The VFW called on the Senate to resolve this matter earlier this summer and now we call on you directly to end this hold before we set the very dangerous precedent of harming American service members as leverage in Washington political battles.

The VFW recently conducted a survey in which our members, including veterans in Alabama, overwhelmingly voiced their opinions on this matter. VFW members were clear that political debates in Washington should be handled among civilian political leaders. Moreover, VFW members strongly conveyed that politicians should not be able to harm the troops over political disputes and that political decisions that harm the troops would affect the way they would vote in upcoming elections.

The VFW has already heard from current service members and military families on the far reaching effects your hold has had on both the mission and the lives of those who choose military service as a career. Preservation of the all-volunteer force demands a non-partisan and apolitical uniformed military capable of closing with and destroying our nation’s enemies at the direction of its duly elected and appointed civilian leaders. When policy disputes emerge among these civilian leaders, the VFW cannot allow politicians to set the precedent of harming uniformed service members to make a point.

The world is still a dangerous place and brave Americans remain stationed around the world, intent on keeping these dangers far from our shores. This is why the VFW is calling on you to stop this dangerous game. Games may belong on the football field, but not in the halls of the U.S. Senate. Lift the hold so the Senate may do its job by promoting our uniformed military leaders.



 Executive Director

 VFW Washington Office


Tonight, the Democratic leadership of the senate, said screw you Tommy Tuberville.  

Per the NY Times, the Senate voted on Wednesday to confirm Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. of the Air Force as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  The Senate is expected on Thursday to confirm Gen. Eric Smith of the Marine Corps and Gen. Randy George of the Army as the chiefs of staff for their respective services as well.

While the move resolved the standoff over some of the military’s highest-profile promotions, it left hundreds more in limbo, still stymied by Mr. Tuberville’s objections.  To override Senator TT’s objections, each military promotion would require a separate vote of the full senate, which under the senates archaic procedures would take months.

Senator TT, said he welcomed their quick approvals, he added he would not relent in his push to do away with the abortion access policy. He was among 11 G.O.P. senators who voted against General Brown’s nomination, despite having indicated to reporters in recent months that he would support it. “They finally figured out I wasn’t going to give in. I’m still not,” Mr. Tuberville told reporters on Wednesday. “They’ve got to do the right thing and move the policy back.”

Our military personnel and their families deserve better than what Senator TT is doing.

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Quote of the Day: “The Senate will overwhelmingly vote to confirm them, and these three honorable men will finally be able to assume their positions. And the abortion policy that Senator Tuberville abhors will remain in place. Senator Tuberville will have accomplished nothing.” Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer

Orchid of the Day: Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer

Onion of the Day: Senator TT, one more time.

Question of the Day: In the big scheme of things, what does abortion rights have to do with properly supporting our military? What am I missing?

Video/Image of the Day:  

Air Force Brigadier General Pat Ryder answering questions about Senator TT’s hold on military promotions.