Thoughts for the Day, September 27, 2022: No more booing of college student athletes

Standing on the 13th tee today at Boyne’s Arthur Hill course in Harbor Springs.

My favorite time of the year has always been the Fall.  It is especially true now that we spend most of the fall in Petoskey.  I am sure there are prettier places in the fall, but there are not many. The colors have started to change.  The next two weeks will be spectacular as usual.


I delayed writing about this because I wanted more time to think about it.  After more time, my opinion has not changed. 

I was discouraged to hear that some MSU fans were booing loudly during the first half of Saturday’s game against Minnesota.  I know that fans have the right to express their opinion and displeasure, but I personally believe that booing student athletes is inappropriate and wrong.  These are not professional athletes.  They are student athletes who excelled in high school and are now playing at the next level.  I am sure these same fans would never think to boo a high school team which is not playing to expectations.  In all my years of officiating high school sports I have never heard fans booing a home team for the performance on the field.

Ninety-five percent of college football players will never play football past college.  College athletes are an extension of high school athletes, and they should be treated with the same respect.  The next time, you think about booing college athletes, my recommendation is that you show your displeasure by leaving or staying quiet.


It is a whole new world out there following Covid-19 shutdowns and work at home practices.  The genie is out of the bottle, and it is not willingly going back into the bottle without a fight.  GM found this out very quickly in the last four days.

On Friday, GM announced that white collared workers will be required to work in person at least 3 days per work week. After getting lots of feedback, today GM announced they are rescinding their announcement from Friday.

In Tuesday’s memo, executives said the company now will not make any changes to the “Work Appropriately” model before the first quarter of 2023. GM will not mandate which days employees go to the office; the executives wrote.  “As we move to a more regular in-person work cycle, our plan is to collaboratively design the solution that best balances the needs of the enterprise with the needs of employees,” GM spokesperson Maria Raynal said in a statement. “We’re spending the next few weeks listening to feedback and will work to incorporate it into our plans.”


Every fall at this time, I am remined why we here in Michigan put up with winter.

Per the NY Times, heavy rain is falling across parts of Florida as Hurricane Ian advances on the state, where its eye is forecast to make landfall on Wednesday afternoon, possibly as a Category 4 hurricane. The storm’s 125 mile-per-hour winds left widespread flooding and power outages across Cuba on Tuesday morning.

The latest:

  • More than 2.5 million residents are under evacuation orders or advisories over parts of coastal Florida, where dangerous storm surges, flooding and powerful winds are expected across much of the state through the weekend. Airports in the Tampa area closed on Tuesday afternoon, with others across Florida announcing a large number of flight cancellations.
  • In a Tuesday evening update, forecasters moved up their projected landfall for the storm’s eye by several hours, to early Wednesday afternoon, and said it could strengthen to a Category 4 storm, with winds of more than 130 miles per hour. Ian is expected to pass west of the Florida Keys tonight, bringing tropical storm conditions, and make landfall near Port Charlotte, just south of Sarasota. 


Per the NY Times, Senator Mitch McConnell endorsed a bill on Tuesday to overhaul how Congress counts electoral votes to confirm the results of a presidential election, significantly enhancing the prospects of enacting the most substantial legislative response yet to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

The support from Mr. McConnell, the Kentucky Republican and minority leader, represented a substantial break with his party in the House, where all but nine Republicans opposed a similar measure that passed last week. It came as the Senate Rules Committee delivered an overwhelming bipartisan vote to send the legislation to the floor. “The substance of this bill is common sense,” said Mr. McConnell, a member of the Rules Committee, about the legislation negotiated in recent months by a bipartisan group led by Senators Susan Collins, Republican of Maine, and Joe Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia.

One crucial piece of the measure spells out that the role of the vice president, who presides over the counting of the electoral votes as the president of the Senate, is strictly ceremonial. cast in favor of Joseph R. Biden Jr. as part of a scheme to invalidate his victory.

Pleaase feel free to share my blog.

Elections Matter. Pray for peace and tolerance. What are you doing to stop the violence and mass killings? 

Quote of the Day“No excuses.”  Detroit Piston head coach Dewayne Casey who displayed the quote on a tee shirt he wore to yesterday’s first Piston’s practice. They serve as a reminder that even though the Pistons have a youthful roster, pulling the inexperience card won’t be an acceptable excuse when it comes to competing on a nightly basis.

Orchid of the Day:  NASA’s DART spacecraft

Onion of the Day: Hurricane Ian.

Question of the Day: Did you ever think that scientist would be able launch a rocket that would be able to change the orbit of an asteroid?

Video/Image of the Day:  DART successfully slamming into an asteroid