Thoughts for the Day, September 5, 2023: I am back

For those who missed me and for those who didn’t realize I was gone, I am back. 

I found it was too distracting to write when it was still daylight at 9PM. Other things were calling for my time and effort.  It also was nice to put the blog away and refresh.  There were many days I felt a need to write, but I didn’t give in. I will try to be consistent in my blogging for the coming months until mid-May. I will also try to give advance notice if I will be taking a day or two off.


I am writing tonight’s blog from the Wickwood Inn in Saugatuck.  This is a mini-vacation and a belated celebration of our 50th wedding anniversary on August 18.  This place is incredible.  I can see how it was named one of the top 10 B&Bs in the U.S. by one tourist magazine.


I was not sure how this summer was going to go after selling our Ypsi house in May.  Leah summed it up best when by Fourth of July, she asked me why we hadn’t moved sooner.  I just shook my head.

One of our biggest concerns was not seeing Chris and Katy and their families as much as we wanted. You can throw that concern out the window.  We were able to spend a lot of time together in Petoskey, Brighton and Ypsi. Leah even spent three days in Chicago with Katy and her kids.  Seats behind home plate at a Cubs’ game and a buying spree for Kaylen at the American Girl store were their highlights.


My life became a lot simpler, as I ended all my terms on non-profit boards in August.  Don’t spend your time wondering how I am going to fill my time.  It will not be a problem.


When I stopped writing my blog in late May and early June, the Tigers were in the middle of a 10-game losing streak and players were dropping like flies with injury.  In one of my blogs, I mentioned that I could kiss the $50 I bet on them winning 70 games good-bye.  With 25 game left in the season entering tonight’s game they have 63 wins and are on track to win 75. I am somewhat encouraged. 


The Lions start play this season, and I cannot believe the hype surrounding the Lions going into the season.  I know that pieces are there for them to when the North Division, but I am not willing to bet on it. 


I continue to be disappointed with Governor Whitmer and the Democrat controlled legislature in Michigan.  When Whitmer was running for governor in 2018, one of her main campaign promises was to make the state government transparent to the citizens.  Here we are five years later and no progress has been made.  Michigan continues to be the worst state in the country when it comes to transparency in government. Thank you to Bridge Michigan and the Detroit News for continually bringing this to our attention.


I am getting a big kick at how the “law and order” Republican Party has a flag bearer who is facing 91 indictments from two different state prosecutors and one federal prosecutor, and the party faithful continue support him. I guess we are dumbing down our standards.


I must get the scale they are using at the Fulton County jail.  The former president said he was 6’ 3” and weighed 215.  Just to put this in perspective, Bet Online, the online betting service. came out the same week with an over/under bet for his weight at 278.5.  I wonder who he thinks he is fooling.


I started reading Greg Harden’s new book, Stay Sane in an Insane World.  Greg is a social worker and self-help guru who has worked closely with athletes at U of M.  Tom Brady and Michael Phelps credit Greg with helping to turn their lives around, while they were at U of M.  It is worth the time and effort.

Please feel free to share my blog or to sign up to receive it directly in your email.  See the sign-up below the Video of the Day.

Quote of the Day: Take it all in… it’s as big as it seems. Count all your blessings. Remember your dreams.”– Jimmy Buffett

Orchid of the Day: The Wickwood Inn in Saugatuck.

Onion of the Day: The NCAA.  They have proven time and time again in the last two years that they are out of touch with the world of college athletics.  It is time for the university presidents to shut the NCAA down and create a organization which works.

Question of the Day: Will the Lions live up to their hype and win the North Division and win a playoff game for the first time since 1993?

Video of the Day: Jimmy Buffet on The Letterman Show. A magical voice and a magical storyteller.  It is worth the 11 minutes.

10 thoughts on “Thoughts for the Day, September 5, 2023: I am back

  1. Douglass wood

    Welcome back, you were missed and happy 50th. I’m thrilled to hear that your transition “Up North” has been a great success!!

    I’ll definitely pick up Greg’s book. I’m a big fan…he not only supported the marque sports; Greg’s reach spanned across all teams. My son played soccer at UMich and had a few up’s and downs and Greg was an awesome resource to get him on a even keel. A great human being!!!

    • Thomasdbiggs Post author

      The summer has been easy. We will see how winter goes. We go to Gulf Shores, AL for January and February so it will not be too bad. Harden is an amazing person. Gifted at what he does.

      Eric, Lee and Ollar game up for three days of golf. It is good to see Lee playing well again. Keep in touch.

    • Thomasdbiggs Post author

      I am glad to be back at it. I hope you guys are doing well. I miss golfing with you and talking baseball. Keep in touch.

  2. Bill McPherson

    Thanks Tom. Good to hear from you. I missed your daily thoughts

    • Thomasdbiggs Post author

      I am glad to be back. It is hard to write at night when it is daylight until 10pm, especially when you live on a golf course.

    • Thomasdbiggs Post author

      I hope to stay at it until Memorial Day. It is hard to do when it is daylight up here in the summer until 10 PM.

  3. Sara Hickey

    Hi Tom and Leah! Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary. My how time flies. Best wishes to you both🥰

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