Thoughts for the Day, September 6, 2023: A call to action

Here are excerpts from the final pages of Greg Harden’s book Stay Sane in an Insane World.  It is a call to action.

“Nothing I’ve said in this book belongs to me. These are universal truths. I’ve just tried to be the vehicle to help you see them in a new way. More than anything else, I want you to always believe in yourself.  But even that is not enough. Right now, I want more from you.

This country, this culture, this world, is desperately in need of a new kind of leadership. It needs people who want to build each other up, not tear each other down. Who want to bring people together instead of dividing them even more. Who want to invest in one another, believe in one another, and help one another dream big, and become big in the most positive sense of the word…..It is one of those rare moments that will truly shape our human destiny…The stakes are really that high. The history books will record how we respond.  I need you to believe that, and I need you to join me in answering the challenge.”

Question: Are you trying to be the best in the world, or are you trying to be the best for the world? True leaders strive for the latter.


The leaders of the Proud Boys are going to spend a significant part of their lives in prison because of their actions on January 6, 2021. Most of them have acknowledged that the election was not stolen from the former president. There have been so many peoples’ lives ruined because they believed the rhetoric being spewed by the former president.


Former VP Mike Pence and I are rarely on the same page, but I think in his speech yesterday in New Hampshire he says what so many true conservatives are thinking but do not know how to address.  Here are Pence’s quotes from the speech as they appeared in a NY Times article.

“Should the new populism of the right seize and guide our party, the Republican Party as we have long known it will cease to exist….. And the fate of American freedom would be in doubt…..Republican voters face a choice….I believe that choice will determine both the fate of our party and the course of our nation for years to come….the G.O.P. will be the party of conservatism or will we follow the siren song of populism unmoored to conservative principles? The future of this movement and this party belongs to one or the other — not both. That is because the fundamental divide between these two factions is unbridgeable.”


You know you are staying in a nice place when the room doesn’t have a TV, or a refrigerator and you don’t notice it.  I have a feeling this is going to be an annual event.

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Quote of the Day: “Become the very best friend you ever had in your life, because your very best friend has to be you.” Greg Harden.

Orchid of the Day: The west coast of Michigan.  We are blessed.

Onion of the Day: Me, because of all the sweets I have eaten in the last 24 hours.

Question of the Day: Are you striving to be the best in the world or the best for the world?

Video of the Day: Greg Harden on CBS’s 60 Minutes Sports.

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