Thoughts for the Day, September 8, 2023: Not the Same Old Lions

Last night was only one game, but I was not watching the Same Old Lions.  The Lions retained their poise throughout the game and when the game was on the line they delivered on defense and offense.  The defense made halftime adjustments that limited the effectiveness of Mahomes. The offense made the plays that were necessary in the final two minutes to secure the victory. 

The key series of the game was when KC was up 3 and driving for a touchdown in the fourth quarter. They had a 2nd and one and the Lions were able to hold and only allow a field-goal, which put the Chiefs up by six.  On the next possession the Lions offense orchestrated the game winning touchdown and then were able to hold-on for the victory. It was a beautiful thing.


I love these two quotes. These are my Quotes of the Day.

“So the governing’s not happening because it seems like the circus freaks in either extreme, in both the Democrat and Republican parties, are more concerned with fundraising off of crises than they are with actually coming together and fixing the problem. We absolutely must get our spending under control, full stop. But we should not do so at the expense of the people who are most vulnerable.”Representative John James, Michigan Republican

“We’re in the middle of one of the biggest transitions in mobility we’ve seen since the automobile was invented and we got to make sure that we’ve got the foundation to support – I mean we all care about the environment … but we have to do it in a way that keeps our jobs here in America, has an industry that’s strong, that people can afford an electric vehicle. A whole lot of people can’t afford them. I’m probably a pain in the White House’s ass right now about this, but, you know, I ask all those questions,” Representative Debbie Dingell, Michigan Democrat.


Yesterday, former seven term U.S Representative Mike Rogers, Republican previously from Michigan has entered his name in the Michigan U.S. Senate Republican primary race replacing Debbie Stabenow.  I always believed Roger to be a voice of reason, who used his experience as a former FBI agent to serve our country well as the Chair of the House intelligence committee.  When he talked, I listened. I may not have agreed with all his politics, but I listened and respected his point of view.

I am troubled by his announcement to run for senator from Michigan because he has not lived in Michigan in recent years.  He has been living in the Ft. Myers area and is a registered voter in Florida.  How can he represent Michigan when he hasn’t lived here in recent years? His announcement feels very political to me.  There is no question he will appeal to voters.  He will be a formidable opponent.  However, in my mind his running is all about party control of the Senate.  C

This feels like Hillary Clinton who ran for and was elected as a senator from New York, although she spent very little of her life in New York prior to running for the Senate.  It feels like Mitt Romney, who after serving as the governor of Massachusetts, ran for and was elected as a senator from Utah.

These types of situations remind me of the old Have Gun Will Travel television show.  They might as well have business cards that say, Have Senator will Travel, like the business cards the character Pallidan passed out during the TV show.  


Following my writing yesterday about Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville and his holding up of all high-level military promotions since February, I received a comment from a subscriber of the blog who comes from a military family. Here are excerpts of the comments which end with a question by the subscriber which is my Question of the Day.

Tubberville should be prevented to continue blocking military promotions by whatever legal means available…. Our military consists of families that need to be supported. I’m tired of the WOKE nonsense. It is ludicrous to use this misunderstood misapplied word to try to justify this unpopular and extremely dangerous stance. I’m tired of the “my way or the highway” position about something that the majority of Americans disagree with. The constant barrage of negative comments clearly shows he does not care about or understand our military. He does not care about the families who are affected by his dangerous stance. Question of the Day: Are there no Republicans who care about this moral busting, recruitment deterrent, disrespect for the men and women who SERVE this country?

I want to reiterate my stance on this issue. Tubberville is entitled to his opinion, but under our democracy all votes are equal.  The archaic rules of the senate ignore this principle when it allows one senator from one state to hold up a process that should be decided by the entire senate.  The senate needs to change it’s archaic rules that allow one person to hold up the entire process. The confirmations should be vetted and then brought to the full senate for confirmation. 

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Quote of the Day: See above.

Orchid of the Day: The Detroit Lions

Onion of the Day: The NFL line officials for allowing the Chiefs’ offensive right tackle to line up off the line in the backfield and jump the snap to frustrate the Lions’ Aiden Hutchinson all night long. It wasn’t until the final KC offensive drive that a penalty was finally called.  Even the NBC rules expert in the TV booth called the officials out for allowing the player to get away with the violation throughout the game.

Question of the Day: See above.

Video of the Day: Brian Branch’s pick 6